Subpart C - Application of the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act  

Changes in Contract Coverage
§ 4.143 - Effects of changes or extensions of contracts, generally.
§ 4.144 - Contract modifications affecting amount.
§ 4.145 - Extended term contracts.
Employees Covered by the Act
§ 4.150 - Employee coverage, generally.
§ 4.151 - Employees covered by provisions of section 2(a).
§ 4.152 - Employees subject to prevailing compensation provisions of sections 2(a)(1) and (2) and 4(c).
§ 4.153 - Inapplicability of prevailing compensation provisions to some employees.
§ 4.154 - Employees covered by sections 2(a)(3) and (4).
§ 4.155 - Employee coverage does not depend on form of employment contract.
§ 4.156 - Employees in bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity.
§§ 4.157--4.158 - [Reserved]
Specific Exclusions
§ 4.115 - Exemptions and exceptions, generally.
§ 4.116 - Contracts for construction activity.
§ 4.117 - Work subject to requirements of Walsh-Healey Act.
§ 4.118 - Contracts for carriage subject to published tariff rates.
§ 4.119 - Contracts for services of communications companies.
§ 4.120 - Contracts for public utility services.
§ 4.121 - Contracts for individual services.
§ 4.122 - Contracts for operation of postal contract stations.
§ 4.123 - Administrative limitations, variances, tolerances, and exemptions.
§§ 4.124--4.129 - [Reserved]
Agencies Whose Contracts May Be Covered
§ 4.107 - Federal contracts.
§ 4.108 - District of Columbia contracts.
§ 4.109 - [Reserved]
Period of Coverage
§ 4.146 - Contract obligations after award, generally.
§§ 4.147--4.149 - [Reserved]
Particular Application of Contract Coverage Principles
§ 4.130 - Types of covered service contracts illustrated.
§ 4.131 - Furnishing services involving more than use of labor.
§ 4.132 - Services and other items to be furnished under a single contract.
§ 4.133 - Beneficiary of contract services.
§ 4.134 - Contracts outside the Act's coverage.
§§ 4.135--4.139 - [Reserved]
Covered Contracts Generally
§ 4.110 - What contracts are covered.
§ 4.111 - Contracts “to furnish services.”
§ 4.112 - Contracts to furnish services “in the United States.”
§ 4.113 - Contracts to furnish services “through the use of service employees.”
§ 4.114 - Subcontracts.
§ 4.101 - Official rulings and interpretations in this subpart.
§ 4.102 - Administration of the Act.
§ 4.103 - The Act.
§ 4.104 - What the Act provides, generally.
§ 4.105 - The Act as amended.
§ 4.106 - [Reserved]
Determining Amount of Contract
§ 4.140 - Significance of contract amount.
§ 4.141 - General criteria for measuring amount.
§ 4.142 - Contracts in an indefinite amount.