Subpart F - Administrative Proceedings

Post-Hearing Procedures
§ 500.262 - Decision and order of Administrative Law Judge.
Referral for Hearing
§ 500.224 - Referral to Administrative Law Judge.
§ 500.225 - Notice of docketing.
§ 500.226 - Service upon attorneys for the Department of Labor - number of copies.
Procedures Relating to Substituted Service
§ 500.215 - Change of address.
§ 500.216 - Substituted service.
§ 500.217 - Responsibility of Secretary for service.
§ 500.270 - Retention of official record.
§ 500.271 - Certification of official record.
Modification or Vacation of Order of Administrative Law Judge
§ 500.263 - Authority of the Administrative Review Board.
§ 500.264 - Procedures for initiating review.
§ 500.265 - Implementation by the Administrative Review Board.
§ 500.266 - Responsibility of the Office of Administrative Law Judges.
§ 500.267 - Filing and service.
§ 500.268 - Decision of the Administrative Review Board.
§ 500.269 - Stay pending decision of the Secretary.
Rules of Practice
§ 500.219 - General.
§ 500.220 - Service of determinations and computation of time.
§ 500.221 - Commencement of proceeding.
§ 500.222 - Designation of record.
§ 500.223 - Caption of proceeding.
Procedures Relating to Hearing
§ 500.210 - Written notice of determination required.
§ 500.211 - Contents of notice.
§ 500.212 - Request for hearing.
§ 500.200 - Establishment of procedures and rules of practice.
§ 500.201 - Applicability of procedures and rules.
Procedures Before Administrative Law Judge
§ 500.231 - Appearances; representation of the Department of Labor.
§ 500.232 - Consent findings and order.