§ 521.3 - Standards of apprenticeship.  

Latest version.
  • An apprenticeship program must conform with or substantially conform with the following standards of apprenticeship before the Administrator or his authorized representative will issue a special certificate authorizing employment of an apprentice under such program at wages lower than the minimum wages applicable under section 6 of the act:

    (a) Employment and training of the apprentice in a skilled trade. A skilled trade is an apprenticeable occupation which satisfies the criteria set forth in § 521.4.

    (b) One year or more (2,000 or more hours) of work experience.

    (c) A progressively increasing schedule of wages to be paid the apprentice which averages at least 50 percent of the journeyman's rate over the period of apprenticeship.

    (d) A schedule of work processes or operations in which experience is to be given the apprentice on the job.

    (e) Submission of the apprenticeship program and the apprenticeship agreement to the recognized apprenticeship agency for registration as provided in § 521.5.

    (f) Joint agreement to the apprenticeship program by the employer and the bona fide bargaining agent, where a bargaining agent exists.

    (g) An indication that the number of apprentices to be employed conforms to the needs and practices in the community.

    (h) Adequate facilities for training and supervision of the apprentice and the keeping of appropriate records concerning his progress.

    (i) Related instruction, if available, (144 hours a year is normally considered necessary. Related instruction means an organized and systematic form of instruction which is designed to provide the apprentice with knowledge of the theoretical and technical subjects related to his trade. Such instruction may be given in a classroom, through correspondence courses, or other forms of self-study.)

    (Sec. 11, 52 Stat. 1068; sec. 11, 75 Stat. 74; secs. 501, 602, 80 Stat. 843, 844 (29 U.S.C. 211))