§ 70a.4 - Required procedure with regard to a request by an individual for a record contained within a system of records.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1)(i) Any individual, regardless of age, desiring to examine or copy rec-ords of the Department of Labor which are retrieved in the name of that individual or other identifier personal to that individual shall direct a request to the appropriate official as prescribed in (d) of this section. Any individual desiring to ascertain whether, and to whom the Department has disclosed his or her record or part thereof, or deserving to request an amendment to such record, shall direct a request to the same official.

    (ii) When a person is uncertain as to whom the request should be directed, it should be sent to: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20210.

    (2) Requests made in person shall be presented during the Department's normal working hours. When the request is made by mail, a notation should be made on the envelope and conspicuously on the letter indicating that the communication involves a request under the Privacy Act (i.e., “Privacy Act Request”).

    (b) Each request shall be in writing. It shall state the nature of the action desired and shall be reasonably detailed to permit identification and location of the record in question. so far as practicable, the request should specify the subject matter of the record, the date or approximate date when made, the place where made, the person or office that made it, and any other pertinent identifying details. The requester should also indicate whether he or she wishes to review the record in person or obtain a copy by mail.

    (c)(1) The disclosure officer who is responsible for acting upon a request shall, upon receipt thereof, have the date and time the request was received immediately inscribed thereon, and within 10 working days thereafter, acknowledge such receipt to the requester. In addition, the acknowledgement shall indicate the time within which it is anticipated that a determination of the request will be made. Such an acknowledgement, however, is not required when a determination can be made within the 10-day period.

    (2) If the description contained in the request is insufficient so that a professional employee who is familiar with the subject area of the request cannot locate the record with a reasonable amount of effort, the officer processing the request shall notify the applicant and, to the extent possible, indicate the additional information required. Every reasonable effort shall be made to assist an applicant in the identification and location of the record or records sought.

    (d)(1) The titles of the responsible officials of the various independent agencies in the Department of Labor are listed below. Unless otherwise specified, the mailing address of these officials shall be:

    (2) The mailing address for the responsible officials in the Employment and Training Administration is the Patrick Henry Building, 601 D Street, NW., Washington, DC 20213.

    (3) The titles of the responsible officials in the field offices of the various independent agencies are listed below. Unless otherwise specified, the mailing addresses for these officials, by regions, shall be: