Subpart B - Employment to Which the Act May Apply: Basic Principles and Individual Coverage  

General Principles
§ 779.100 - Basic coverage in general.
§ 779.101 - Guiding principles for applying coverage and exemption provisions.
§ 779.102 - Scope of this subpart.
Employees Engaged in Commerce or in the Production of Goods for Commerce
§ 779.103 - Employees “engaged in commerce.”
§ 779.104 - Employees “engaged in the production of goods for commerce.”
§ 779.105 - Employees engaged in activities “closely related” and “directly essential” to the production of goods for commerce.
§ 779.106 - Employees employed by an independent employer.
§ 779.107 - Goods defined.
§ 779.108 - Goods produced for commerce.
§ 779.109 - Amount of activities which constitute engaging in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.
§ 779.110 - Employees in retailing whose activities may bring them under the Act.
§ 779.111 - Buyers and their assistants.
§ 779.112 - Office employees.
§ 779.113 - Warehouse and stock room employees.
§ 779.114 - Transportation employees.
§ 779.115 - Watchmen and guards.
§ 779.116 - Custodial and maintenance employees.
§ 779.117 - Salesmen and sales clerks.
§ 779.118 - Employees providing central services for multi-unit organizations.
§ 779.119 - Exempt occupations.