§ 826.80 - Employer notice.  

Latest version.
  • § 826.80 Employer notice.

    (a) Every Employer covered by FFCRA's paid leave provisions is required to post and keep posted on its premises, in conspicuous places a notice explaining the FFCRA's paid leave provisions and providing information concerning the procedures for filing complaints of violations of the FFCRA with the Wage and Hour Division.

    (b) An Employer may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to Employees, or posting this notice on an Employee information internal or external website.

    (c) To meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, Employers may duplicate the text of the Department's model notice (WHD 1422 REV 03/20) or may use another format so long as the information provided includes, at a minimum, all of the information contained in that notice. Prototypes are available at www.dol.gov/whd. Employers furnishing notices to sensory-impaired individuals must also comply with all applicable requirements under Federal or State law.

    (d) This section does not require translation or provision of the notice in languages other than English.

    (e) For Employers who are covered by the EFMLEA but are not covered by the other provisions of the FMLA, posting of this FFCRA notice satisfies their FMLA general notice obligation. See 29 U.S.C. 2619; § 825.300 of this chapter.