§ 89.7 - Petitions for withdrawal or modification.  

Latest version.
  • § 89.7 Petitions for withdrawal or modification.

    (a) Any member of the public may petition an agency for withdrawal or modification of a guidance document issued by the agency.

    (b) Such a petition must be submitted in writing; include an email address and mailing address, as well as any other preferred means for the agency to respond electronically to the petitioner (where the petitioner has a means of electronic communication); identify the guidance document that is the subject of the petition; and state in detail the reason(s) for requesting withdrawal or modification.

    (c) A petition must be directed to the relevant agency official, pursuant to instructions provided on the website described in § 89.5.

    (d) The agency may choose to withdraw, modify, or retain a guidance document.

    (e) Under this section an agency must provide a response in writing to a petition that meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section promptly, but no later than 90 days after receiving the petition.