Appendix B to Part 96 - Attachment F to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-110 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations  

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  • Attachment F—Circular No. A-110; Standards for financial management systems

    1. This attachment prescribes standards for financial management systems of recipients. Federal sponsoring agencies shall not impose additional standards on recipients unless specifically provided for in the applicable statutes (e.g., the Joint Funding Simplification Act, Pub. L. 93-510) or other attachments to this circular. However, Federal sponsoring agencies are encouraged to make suggestions and assist recipients in establishing or improving financial management systems when such assistance is needed or requested.

    2. Recipients’ financial management systems shall provide for:

    a. Accurate, current and complete disclosure of the financial results of each federally sponsored project or program in accordance with the reporting requirements set forth in Attachment G to this circular. When a Federal sponsoring agency requires reporting on an accrual basis, the recipient shall not be required to establish an accrual accounting system but shall develop such accrual data for its reports on the basis of an analysis of the documentation on hand.

    b. Records that identify adequately the source and application of funds for federally sponsored activities. These records shall contain information pertaining to Federal awards, authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income.

    c. Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets. Recipients shall adequately safeguard all such assets and shall assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes.

    d. Comparison of actual outlays with budget amounts for each grant or other agreement. Whenever appropriate or required by the Federal sponsoring agency, financial information should be related to performance and unit cost data.

    e. Procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the U.S. Treasury and the disbursement by the recipient, whenever funds are advanced by the Federal Government. When advances are made by a letter-of-credit method, the recipient shall make drawdowns as close as possible to the time of making disbursements.

    f. Procedures for determining the reasonableness, allowability and allocability of costs in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Federal cost principles and the terms of the grant or other agreement.

    g. Accounting records that are supported by source documentation.

    h. Examinations in the form of audits or internal audits. Such audits shall be made by qualified individuals who are sufficiently independent of those who authorize the expenditure of Federal funds, to produce unbiased opinions, conclusions or judgments. They shall meet the independence criteria along the lines of chapter 3, part 3 of the U.S. General Accounting Office publication, Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions. These examinations are intended to ascertain the effectiveness of the financial management systems and internal procedures that have been established to meet the terms and conditions of the agreements. It is not intended that each agreement awarded to the recipient be examined. Generally, examinations should be conducted on an organization-wide basis to test the fiscal integrity of financial transactions, as well as compliance with the terms and conditions of the Federal grants and other agreements. Such tests would include an appropriate sampling of Federal agreements. Examinations will be conducted with reasonable frequency, on a continuing basis or at scheduled intervals, usually annually, but not less frequently than every two years. The frequency of these examinations shall depend upon the nature, size and the complexity of the activity. These examinations do not relieve Federal agencies of their audit responsibilities, but may affect the frequency and scope of such audits.

    i. A systematic method to assure timely and appropriate resolution of audit findings and recommendations.

    3. Primary recipients shall require subrecipients (as defined in paragraph 5 of the basic circular) to adopt the standards in paragraph 2, of this appendix except for the requirement in subparagraph 2e, regarding the use of the letter-of-credit method and that part of subparagraph 2a, regarding reporting forms and frequencies prescribed in Attachment G to this circular.