§ 210.104 - Must I submit these production reports electronically?  

Latest version.
  • (a) You must submit Forms MMS-4054 and MMS-4058 electronically unless you qualify for an exception under § 210.105.

    (b) You must use one of the following electronic media types, unless MMS instructs you differently:

    (1) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)—The direct computer-to-computer interchange of data using standards set forth by the X12 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC). The interchange uses the services of a third party with which either party may contract.

    (2) Web-based reporting—Reporters/payors may enter report data directly or upload files using the MMS electronic Web form located at http://www.mrmreports.net. The uploaded files must be in one of the following formats: the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) or Comma Separated Values (CSV) formats. External files created by the sender must be in the proprietary ASCII and CSV file layout formats defined by MMS. These external files can be generated from a reporter's system application.

    (c) Refer to our electronic reporting guidelines in the MMS Minerals Production Reporter Handbook for the most current reporting options, instructions, and security measures. The handbook may be found on our Internet Web site or you may call your MMS customer service representative (see § 210.106 for further information on how to obtain a handbook).