§ 230.453 - Request for refund or credit.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, no person may recover an excess payment it has made in connection with an OCS lease unless:

    (1) That person has made a request for refund or credit in accordance with the provisions of this subpart;

    (2) MMS has transmitted a report on the request for refund or credit to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and 30 days have expired since the submission in accordance with section 10(b), 43 U.S.C. 1339(b); and

    (3) MMS notifies the person that its request for refund or credit is authorized and that the person may receive its refund for, or may report a credit adjustment to recoup, the excess payment.

    (b) A request for refund or credit must:

    (1) Be in writing;

    (2) Provide the person's MMS-established payor code;

    (3) Identify the leases and sales months with respect to which the excess payments occurred;

    (4) Identify the amount of the excess payment or, with specificity, describe a class of payments that are, or as a result of an administrative or judicial decision or other identified contingency, may become, excess payments;

    (5) Provide the reasons why a refund or credit is due;

    (6) Include a certification that, to the best of the person's knowledge or belief, the information provided in response to paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(5) of this section is accurate and complete.

    (c) If MMS determines that a request for refund or credit is incomplete, the person who submitted the request will have 30 days, or such time as MMS may specify, following notice from MMS, to supplement the request for refund or credit.

    (d) A credit adjustment reported on a Form MMS-2014 does not constitute a request for refund or credit for purposes of this section, and does not constitute an incomplete request for refund or credit for purposes of paragraph (c) of this section.

    (e) A person who has filed a request for refund or credit pursuant to this section may amend that request to add an additional amount if:

    (1) The additional amount is for the same lease and sales month; and

    (2) The reason for the excess payment for the additional amount is the same as for the originally requested amount.

    (f) Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, no request for a refund or credit will be approved unless the request is received at MMS at the address provided below within 2 years of the date that MMS received the excess payment.

    (1) The request for refund or credit must be received at the following address:

    (i) By mail: Minerals Management Service, Section 10 Refund Requests, P.O. Box 173702, Denver, CO 80217-3702.

    (ii) By express delivery or courier: Minerals Management Service, Section 10 Refund Requests, Building 85, Denver Federal Center, Room A-212, Denver, CO 80225.

    (2) If the last day of the 2-year period from the date MMS received the excess payment falls on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday or any other day that MMS is not open for business at the address specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, then the last day of the 2-year period will be the next regular business day. Requests received at the specified MMS address after 4 p.m. Mountain Time are considered received the following business day.