§ 280.6 - Prospecting or scientific research plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The applicant shall submit a plan with its application for a prospecting or scientific research permit. The plan shall include—

    (1) Identification of the mineral(s) or material(s) of primary interest, if appropriate;

    (2) A detailed description of the activities to be conducted;

    (3) The type(s) of equipment to be used with special attention to safety and pollution prevention and control features and the name, registration, and mobile communication system of vessel(s);

    (4) Maps showing location of proposed activities including drill holes, grab or basket samples, anticipated depth of penetration of drill holes, water depth, and location of proposed survey grids for each surveying method which is to be employed;

    (5) A schedule indicating the starting and completion dates for each proposed activity;

    (6) Anticipated environmental consequences of each proposed activity;

    (7) Mitigation measures to be used to avoid or minimize adverse environmental impacts of proposed activities;

    (8) For any activities which are to occur in an environmentally sensitive area, a plan for monitoring the effects of the activities on the environment;

    (9) Any known archaeological resources in the area of the proposed activities; and

    (10) Description of any potential conflicts with other uses or users in the permit area.

    (b) If the penetration of one or more proposed drill holes will exceed 300 feet, the Director may require a drilling plan to be included as part of the plan before a permit is issued.

    (c) If all needed information is not available at the time the plan is submitted, a plan shall indicate when the needed information will be obtained and submitted. In such a case, depending on the significance of the missing information, the Director may disapprove the plan, approve the plan based on the information submitted, or approve the plan with a specific condition that certain specified activities are not authorized and shall not be conducted until additional information is obtained and submitted for evaluation, and the Director gives specific approval to proceed with those activities.