§ 285.611 - What information must I submit with my SAP to assist MMS in complying with NEPA and other relevant laws?  

Latest version.
  • (a) You must submit with your SAP detailed information to assist MMS in complying with NEPA and other relevant laws, as appropriate. For a noncompetitive commercial lease, you must submit a SAP that describes those resources, conditions, and activities listed in the following table that could be affected by your proposed activities, or that could affect the activities proposed in your SAP.

    (b) For competitively issued commercial leases, MMS will have prepared a NEPA document and consistency determination for the lease sale and site assessment activities. However, if you submit a SAP that shows changes in impacts from those identified in the NEPA document or consistency determination prepared for the lease, MMS may determine that your SAP is subject to a new NEPA/CZMA and other relevant Federal reviews. In that case, MMS will notify you of the determination, and you must submit a SAP that describes those resources, conditions, and activities listed in the following table that could be affected by your proposed activities, or that could affect the activities proposed in your SAP, including:
