§ 285.706 - How do I nominate a CVA for BSEE approval?  

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  • § 285.706 How do I nominate a CVA for BSEE approval?

    (a) You must nominate a CVA for BSEE approval as part of your COP per 30 CFR 585.626(b)(20), and when required, as part of your SAP per 30 CFR 585.610(a)(9) or GAP per 30 CFR 585.645(c)(5). You must use a CVA to review and certify the Facility Design Report, the Fabrication and Installation Report, and the Project Modifications and Repairs Report per this subpart. You must specify whether the CVA nomination is for the Facility Design Report, Fabrication and Installation Report, Project Modifications and Repairs Report, or for any combination of these.

    (b) For each CVA that you nominate, you must submit to BSEE a list of documents used in your design that you will forward to the CVA and a qualification statement that includes the following:

    (1) Previous experience in third-party verification or experience in the design, fabrication, installation, or major modification of offshore energy facilities;

    (2) Technical capabilities of the individual or the primary staff for the specific project;

    (3) Size and type of organization or corporation;

    (4) In-house availability of, or access to, appropriate technology (including computer programs, hardware, and testing materials and equipment);

    (5) Ability to perform the CVA functions for the specific project considering current commitments;

    (6) Previous experience with BOEM and BSEE requirements and procedures, if any; and

    (7) The level of work to be performed by the CVA.

    (c) Individuals or organizations acting as CVAs must not function in any capacity that will create a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest.

    (d) The verification must be conducted by or under the direct supervision of registered professional engineers.

    (e) BSEE will approve or disapprove your CVA as part of BOEM's review of your COP or, when required, of your SAP or GAP.

    (f) You must nominate a new CVA for BSEE approval if the previously approved CVA:

    (1) Is no longer able to serve in a CVA capacity for the project; or

    (2) No longer meets the requirements for a CVA set forth in this subpart.