Subpart H - Environmental and Safety Management, Inspections, and Facility Assessments for Activities Conducted Under SAPs, COPs and GAPs  

§ 285.800 - How must I conduct my activities to comply with safety and environmental requirements?
§ 285.801 - How must I conduct my approved activities to protect marine mammals, threatened and endangered species, and designated critical habitat?
§ 285.802 - What must I do if I discover a potential archaeological resource while conducting my approved activities?
§ 285.803 - How must I conduct my approved activities to protect essential fish habitats identified and described under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act?
Maintenance and Shutdowns
§ 285.813 - When do I have to report removing equipment from service?
§ 285.814 - [Reserved]
Inspections and Assessments
§ 285.820 - Will BSEE conduct inspections?
§ 285.821 - Will BSEE conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections?
§ 285.822 - What must I do when BSEE conducts an inspection?
§ 285.823 - Will BSEE reimburse me for my expenses related to inspections?
§ 285.824 - How must I conduct self-inspections?
§ 285.825 - When must I assess my facilities?
§ %C2%A7 285.826-285.829 - 285.826-285.829 [Reserved]
Incident Reporting and Investigation
§ 285.830 - What are my incident reporting requirements?
§ 285.831 - What incidents must I report, and when must I report them?
§ 285.832 - How do I report incidents requiring immediate notification?
§ 285.833 - What are the reporting requirements for incidents requiring written notification?
Equipment Failure and Adverse Environmental Effects
§ 285.815 - What must I do if I have facility damage or an equipment failure?
§ 285.816 - What must I do if environmental or other conditions adversely affect a cable, pipeline, or facility?
§ %C2%A7 285.817-285.819 - 285.817-285.819 [Reserved]
§§ 285.804--285.809 - [Reserved]
Safety Management Systems
§ 285.810 - What must I include in my Safety Management System?
§ 285.811 - When must I follow my Safety Management System?
§ 285.812 - [Reserved]