§ 44.27 - Consent findings and rules or orders.  

Latest version.
  • § 44.27 Consent findings and rules or orders.

    (a) General. At any time after a request for hearing is filed in accordance with § 44.14, a reasonable opportunity may be afforded to permit negotiation by the parties of an agreement containing consent findings and a rule or order disposing of the whole or any part of the proceedings. Allowance of such opportunity and the duration thereof shall be in the discretion of the Chief Administrative Law Judge, if no administrative law judge has been assigned, or of the presiding administrative law judge. In deciding whether to afford such an opportunity, the administrative law judge shall consider the nature of the proceeding, requirements of the public interest, representations of the parties, and probability of an agreement which will result in a just disposition of the issues involved.

    (b) Contents. Any agreement containing consent findings and rule or order disposing of a proceeding shall also provide:

    (1) That the rule or order shall have the same effect as if made after a full hearing;

    (2) That the record on which any rule or order may be based shall consist of the petition and agreement, and all other pertinent information, including: any request for hearing on the petition; the investigation report; discovery; motions and requests, filed in written form and rulings thereon; any documents or papers filed in connection with prehearing conferences; and, if a hearing has been held, the transcript of testimony and any proposed findings, conclusions, rules or orders, and supporting reasons as may have been filed.

    (3) A waiver of further procedural steps before the administrative law judge and Assistant Secretary; and

    (4) A waiver of any right to challenge or contest the validity of the findings and rule or order made in accordance with the agreement.

    (c) Submission. On or before expiration of the time granted for negotiations, the parties or their counsel may:

    (1) Submit the proposed agreement to the Chief Administrative Law Judge or presiding administrative law judge, as appropriate, for his consideration; or

    (2) Inform the Chief Administrative Law Judge or presiding administrative law judge, as appropriate, that agreement cannot be reached.

    (d) Disposition. In the event an agreement containing consent findings and rule or order is submitted within the time allowed, the Chief Administrative Law Judge or presiding administrative law judge, as appropriate, may accept the agreement by issuing his decision based upon the agreed findings.

    [43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 53442, Dec. 28, 1990]