§ 519.412 - How will the qualified OCS revenues be divided?  

Latest version.
  • For each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2016, 50 percent of the qualified OCS revenues will be placed in a special U.S. Treasury account from which 75 percent of the revenues will be disbursed to the Gulf producing States, and 25 percent will be disbursed to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Each Gulf producing State will receive at least 10 percent of the qualified OCS revenues available for allocation to the Gulf producing States each fiscal year.

    Revenue Distribution of Qualified OCS Revenues Under GOMESA

    Recipient of qualified OCS revenuesPercentage of qualified OCS revenues
    U.S. Treasury (General Fund)50
    Land and Water Conservation Fund12.5
    Gulf Producing States30
    Gulf Producing State Coastal Political Subdivisions7.5