§ 652.13 - Reports.  

Latest version.
  • The following reports are required from program participants:

    (a) Annual Institute Status Report (30 U.S.C. 1223(a)(3)). On or before September 1 of each year, the mineral institute director for each institute shall submit to the Office a written report on work accomplished; the status of projects underway; a listing of scholarship and fellowship holders supported under this program, their departmental affiliation, citizenship, amount of award, and thesis title, if selected; and a statement of disbursements of funds received under this program. This report shall cover all activities under both the allotment grant and research grant program.

    (b) Periodic Technical Reports. Each mineral institute and generic center director shall make brief periodic written reports as specified in the grant document to the Office describing progress made on each active project. Generic center directors shall also send their periodic reports to members of the applicable Research Councils.

    (c) Periodic Financial Reports. Each mineral institute and generic center shall submit completed Standard -Form-269 reports concurrent with the -periodic technical progress reports.

    (d) Annual Property Report. Each mineral institute and generic center shall submit by November 15 a completed Bureau of Mines Form 6-359 on nonexpendable property.

    (e) Final Reports. The annual institute status report will serve as the final report for allotment grants. A final report is required for each approved generic center research project. Principal investigators are encouraged to publish in the technical literature any information developed in the course of carrying out a research project. A published journal article may be substituted for a final report, provided the Grantee delivers five copies of the reprint to the Office. If the findings of a research project are not published, five copies of a final report shall be furnished. An unpublished final report should be prepared in accordance with ANSI 239.18-1974, “American National Standard Guidelines for Format and Production of Scientific and Technical Reports.”

    (1) Credits. Every final research report or publication in the technical literature shall contain one of the following statements or the equivalent: