§ 75.1713-7 - First-aid equipment; location; minimum requirements.  

Latest version.
  • § 75.1713-7 First-aid equipment; location; minimum requirements.

    (a) Each operator of an underground coal mine shall maintain a supply of the first-aid equipment set forth in paragraph (b) of this § 75.1713-7 at each of the following locations:

    (1) At the mine dispatcher's office or other appropriate work area on the surface in close proximity to the mine entry;

    (2) At the bottom of each regularly traveled slope or shaft; however, where the bottom of such slope or shaft is not more than 1,000 feet from the surface, such first-aid supplies may be maintained on the surface at the entrance to the mine; and

    (3) At a point in each working section not more than 500 feet outby the active working face or faces.

    (b) The first-aid equipment required to be maintained under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this § 75.1713-7 shall include at least the following:

    (1) One stretcher;

    (2) One broken-back board. (If a splint stretcher combination is used it will satisfy the requirements of both (1) and (2)).

    (3) 24 triangular bandages (15 if a splint-stretcher combination is used).

    (4) Eight 4-inch bandage compresses;

    (5) Eight 2-inch bandage compresses.

    (6) Twelve 1-inch adhesive compresses;

    (7) One foille;

    (8) Two cloth blankets:

    (9) One rubber blanket or equivalent substitute.

    (10) Two tourniquets;

    (11) One 1-ounce bottle of aromatic spirits of ammonia or 1 dozen ammonia ampules.

    (12) The necessary complements of arm and leg splints or two each inflatable plastic arm and leg splints.

    (c) All first-aid supplies required to be maintained under the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this § 75.1713-7 shall be stored in suitable, sanitary, dust tight, moisture proof containers and such supplies shall be accessible to the miners.