§ 15.737-19 - Administrative Law Judge.  

Latest version.
  • § 15.737-19 Administrative Law Judge.

    (a) Appointment. An Administrative Law Judge appointed as provided by 5 U.S.C. 3105 (1966), shall conduct proceedings upon complaints for the administrative disciplinary proceedings under this part.

    (b) Power of Administrative Law Judge. Among other powers, the Administrative Law Judge shall have authority, in connection with any proceeding assigned or referred to him/her, to do the following:

    (1) Administer oaths and affirmations;

    (2) Make rulings upon motions and requests, which rulings may not be appealed from prior to the close of a hearing except, at the discretion of the Administrative Law Judge, in extraordinary circumstances;

    (3) Determine the time and place of hearing and regulate its course and conduct;

    (4) Adopt rules of procedure and modify the same from time to time as occasion requires for the orderly disposition of proceedings;

    (5) Rule upon offers of proof, receive relevant evidence, and examine witnesses;

    (6) Take or authorize the taking of depositions;

    (7) Receive and consider oral or written argument on facts or law;

    (8) Hold or provide for the holding of conferences for the settlement or simplification of the issues by consent of the parties;

    (9) Assess the responsible party extraordinary costs attributable to the location of a hearing;

    (10) Perform such acts and take such measures as are necessary or appropriate to the efficient conduct of any proceeding; and

    (11) Make initial decisions.