§ 34.602 - Use of funds and eligible activities - NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.  

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  • § 34.602 Use of funds and eligible activities - NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program.

    (a) Amounts made available to NOAA may be expended to carry out a program comprised of activities described in section 1604 of the Act. These activities include coordination of science and technology programs and stakeholder engagement, in accordance with section 1604(f) of the Act, as well as the following activities with respect to the Gulf of Mexico:

    (1) Marine and estuarine research.

    (2) Marine and estuarine ecosystem monitoring and ocean observation.

    (3) Data collection and stock assessments.

    (4) Pilot programs for fishery independent data and reduction of exploitation of spawning aggregations.

    (5) Cooperative research.

    (b) NOAA may also expend amounts made available from the Trust Fund for administrative expenses connected with the program. All funds must be expended in compliance with the Act, these regulations, and other applicable law.