§ 500.715 - Evidence.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Admissibility. (1) Except as is otherwise set forth in this section, evidence that is relevant and material is admissible to the fullest extent authorized by the Administrative Procedure Act and other applicable law.

    (2) Evidence may be excluded if it is misleading or its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice or confusion of the issues, or considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence.

    (3) Evidence that would be inadmissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence need not be deemed or ruled to be inadmissible in a proceeding conducted pursuant to this subpart if such evidence is relevant and material, and not unduly repetitive.

    (b) Official notice. (1) Official notice may be taken of any material fact which may be judicially noticed by a United States district court.

    (2) All matters officially noticed by the Administrative Law Judge shall appear on the record.

    (3) If official notice is requested or taken of any material fact, the parties, upon timely request, shall be afforded an opportunity to object.

    (c) Duplicate copies. A duplicate copy of a document is admissible to the same extent as the original, unless a genuine issue is raised as to whether the copy is in some material respect not a true and legible copy of the original.

    (d) Objections to admissibility of evidence. Objections to the admissibility of evidence must be timely made and rulings on all objections must appear on the record. Failure to object to admission of evidence or to any ruling constitutes a waiver of the objection.

    (e) Rejected exhibits. The Administrative Law Judge shall retain rejected exhibits, adequately marked for identification, in the event of an interlocutory appeal.

    (f) Stipulations. The parties may stipulate as to any relevant matters of fact or to the authenticity of any relevant documents. Such stipulations may be received into evidence at a hearing and are binding on the parties with respect to the matters therein stipulated.

    (g) Depositions of unavailable witnesses. If a witness is unavailable to testify at a hearing, and that witness has testified in a deposition within the United States to which all parties to the proceeding have received timely notice and an opportunity to participate, a party may offer as evidence all or any part of the transcript of the deposition, including deposition exhibits. All costs of depositions shall be borne by the party requesting the deposition.