Part 520 - International Criminal Court-Related Sanctions Regulations  

Subpart A - Relation of This Part to Other Laws and Regulations
§ 520.101 - Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.
Subpart B - Prohibitions
§ 520.201 - Prohibited transactions.
§ 520.202 - Effect of transfers violating the provisions of this part.
§ 520.203 - Holding of funds in interest-bearing accounts; investment and reinvestment.
§ 520.204 - Expenses of maintaining blocked tangible property; liquidation of blocked property.
§ 520.205 - Exempt transactions.
Subpart C - General Definitions
§ 520.300 - Applicability of definitions.
§ 520.301 - Blocked account; blocked property.
§ 520.302 - Effective date.
§ 520.303 - Entity.
§ 520.304 - Financial, material, or technological support.
§ 520.305 - [Reserved]
§ 520.306 - Interest.
§ 520.307 - Licenses; general and specific.
§ 520.308 - OFAC.
§ 520.309 - Person.
§ 520.310 - Property; property interest.
§ 520.311 - Transfer.
§ 520.312 - United States.
§ 520.313 - United States person; U.S. person.
§ 520.314 - U.S. financial institution.
Subpart D - Interpretations
§ 520.401 - [Reserved]
§ 520.402 - Effect of amendment.
§ 520.403 - Termination and acquisition of an interest in blocked property.
§ 520.404 - Transactions ordinarily incident to a licensed transaction.
§ 520.405 - Setoffs prohibited.
§ 520.406 - Entities owned by one or more persons whose property and interests in property are blocked.
Subpart E - Licenses, Authorizations, and Statements of Licensing Policy
§ 520.501 - General and specific licensing procedures.
§ 520.502 - [Reserved]
§ 520.503 - Exclusion from licenses.
§ 520.504 - Payments and transfers to blocked accounts in U.S. financial institutions.
§ 520.505 - Entries in certain accounts for normal service charges.
§ 520.506 - Provision of certain legal services.
§ 520.507 - Payments for legal services from funds originating outside the United States.
§ 520.508 - Emergency medical services.
Subpart F - Reports
§ 520.601 - Records and reports.
Subpart G - Penalties and Findings of Violation
§ 520.701 - Penalties and Findings of Violation.
Subpart H - Procedures
§ 520.801 - Procedures.
§ 520.802 - Delegation of certain authorities of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Subpart I - Paperwork Reduction Act
§ 520.901 - Paperwork Reduction Act notice.
Appendix A to Part 520 - Executive Order 13928 of June 11, 2020