§ 575.524 - Exportation of pipeline parts and equipment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Specific licenses may be issued to U.S. persons on a case-by-case basis to permit the sale and exportation to Iraq of pipeline parts and equipment essential for the safe operation of the Kirkuk-Yumurtalik pipeline system in Iraq, in accordance with the provisions of UNSC Resolution 986, other applicable Security Council resolutions, the Memorandum of Understanding, and applicable guidance issued by the 661 Committee.

    (b) Applications for specific licenses pursuant to this section shall be made in advance of the proposed sale and exportation, and provide the following information:

    (1) Identification of the applicant, including:

    (i) Applicant's full legal name;

    (ii) Applicant's mailing and street addresses;

    (iii) The name of the individual(s) responsible for the application and related commercial transactions and the individual's telephone and facsimile numbers; and

    (iv) If the applicant is a business entity, the state or jurisdiction of incorporation and principal place of business;

    (2) The name and address of all parties involved in the transactions and their role, including financial institutions and any Iraqi broker, purchasing agent, or other participant in the purchase of the pipeline parts or equipment;

    (3) The nature, quantity, value and intended use of the pipeline parts and equipment;

    (4) The intended point(s) of entry into Iraq, proposed dates of entry and delivery, and the final destination in Iraq of the pipeline parts and equipment;

    (5) A copy of the concluded contract with the Government of Iraq and other relevant documentation, all of which must comply with the provisions of UNSC Resolution 986, other applicable Security Council resolutions, the Memorandum of Understanding, and applicable guidance issued by the 661 Committee; and

    (6) A statement that the applicant is familiar with the requirements of the above-referenced documents, particularly Memorandum of Understanding paragraph 24 and Guidelines paragraphs 35 and 45, and will conform the letter of credit and related financing documents to their terms.

    (c) Applications for specific licenses pursuant to this section shall be submitted to the Licensing Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Treasury Department, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.—Annex, Washington, DC 20220.

    (d) Attention is drawn to § 575.418 regarding authorization for transactions ordinarily incident to a transaction licensed by OFAC. Transactions of a U.S. person that are incidental to a third-country national's activities pursuant to UNSC Resolution 986 require specific OFAC licensing. Licensing requirements for the reexportation of goods subject to U.S. jurisdiction are addressed in § 575.205.

    (e) Contracts may be performed only pursuant to the terms submitted to OFAC when specifically authorized pursuant to this section unless additional authorization is granted or obtained pursuant to this part for any amendment or modification of such contracts.

    (f) Payment for goods exported pursuant to this section may be obtained only from the 986 Escrow Account, and must conform to the requirements of UNSC Resolution 986, other applicable Security Council resolutions, the Memorandum of Understanding, and applicable guidance issued by the 661 Committee.

    (g) Attention is drawn to § 575.101 regarding compliance with other applicable laws and regulations. No license or authorization contained in or issued pursuant to this part shall be deemed to authorize the exportation, reexportation or retransfer of goods, technology, or services that are subject to unmet export license application requirements of another agency of the United States Government.