§ 800.220 - Foreign entity.  

Latest version.
  • § 800.220 Party or parties to a transaction.

    The terms party to a transaction and parties to a transaction mean:

    (a) In the case of an acquisition of an ownership interest in an entity, the person acquiring the ownership interest, and the person from which such ownership interest is acquired, without regard to any person providing brokerage or underwriting services for the transaction;

    (b) In the case of a merger, the surviving entity, and the entity or entities that are merged into that entity as a result of the transaction;

    (c) In the case of a consolidation, the entities being consolidated, and the new consolidated entity;

    (d) In the case of a proxy solicitation, the person soliciting proxies, and the person who issued the voting interest;

    (e) In the case of the acquisition or conversion of convertible voting instruments, the issuer and the person holding the convertible voting instruments;

    (f) In the case of a change in rights that a person has with respect to an entity in which that person has an investment, the person whose rights change as a result of the transaction and the entity to which those rights apply;

    (g) In the case of a transfer, agreement, arrangement, or any other type of transaction, the structure of which is designed or intended to evade or circumvent the application of section 721, any person that participates in such transfer, agreement, arrangement, or other type of transaction; and”; and

    (h) In the case of any other type of transaction, any person who is in a role comparable to that of a person described in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this section.

    [73 FR 70716, Nov. 21, 2008, as amended at 83 FR 51319, Oct. 11, 2018]

    Foreign entity.

    (a) The term foreign entity means any branch, partnership, group or sub-group, association, estate, trust, corporation or division of a corporation, or organization organized under the laws of a foreign state if either its principal place of business is outside the United States or its equity securities are primarily traded on one or more foreign exchanges.

    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, any branch, partnership, group or sub-group, association, estate, trust, corporation or division of a corporation, or organization that can demonstrate that a majority of the equity interest in such entity is ultimately owned by U.S. nationals is not a foreign entity.