Part 802 - Regulations Pertaining to Certain Transactions by Foreign Persons Involving Real Estate in the United States  

Subpart A - General
§ 802.101 - Scope.
§ 802.102 - Risk-based analysis.
§ 802.103 - Effect on other law.
§ 802.104 - Applicability rule.
§ 802.105 - Rules of construction and interpretation.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 802.201 - Business day.
§ 802.202 - Certification.
§ 802.203 - Close proximity.
§ 802.204 - Committee; Chairperson of the Committee; Staff Chairperson.
§ 802.205 - Completion date.
§ 802.206 - Concession.
§ 802.207 - Contingent equity interest.
§ 802.208 - Control.
§ 802.209 - Conversion.
§ 802.210 - Covered port.
§ 802.211 - Covered real estate.
§ 802.212 - Covered real estate transaction.
§ 802.213 - Entity.
§ 802.214 - Excepted real estate foreign state.
§ 802.215 - Excepted real estate investor.
§ 802.216 - Excepted real estate transaction.
§ 802.217 - Extended range.
§ 802.218 - Foreign entity.
§ 802.219 - Foreign government.
§ 802.220 - Foreign national.
§ 802.221 - Foreign person.
§ 802.222 - Hold.
§ 802.223 - Housing unit.
§ 802.224 - Investment fund.
§ 802.225 - Lead agency.
§ 802.226 - Lease.
§ 802.227 - Military installation.
§ 802.228 - Minimum excepted ownership.
§ 802.229 - Parent.
§ 802.230 - Party to a transaction.
§ 802.231 - Person.
§ 802.232 - Principal place of business.
§ 802.233 - Property right.
§ 802.234 - Purchase.
§ 802.235 - Real estate.
§ 802.236 - Section 721.
§ 802.237 - Transaction.
§ 802.238 - United States.
§ 802.239 - Urban cluster.
§ 802.240 - Urbanized area.
§ 802.241 - U.S. business.
§ 802.242 - U.S. national.
§ 802.243 - U.S. public entity.
§ 802.244 - Voting interest.
Subpart C - Coverage
§ 802.301 - Transactions that are covered real estate transactions.
§ 802.302 - Transactions that are not covered real estate transactions.
§ 802.303 - Lending transactions.
§ 802.304 - Timing rule for a contingent equity interest.
Subpart D - Declarations
§ 802.401 - Procedures for declarations.
§ 802.402 - Contents of declarations.
§ 802.403 - Beginning of 30-day assessment period.
§ 802.404 - Rejection, disposition, or withdrawal of declarations.
§ 802.405 - Committee actions.
Subpart E - Notices
§ 802.501 - Procedures for notices.
§ 802.502 - Contents of voluntary notices.
§ 802.503 - Beginning of 45-day review period.
§ 802.504 - Deferral, rejection, or disposition of certain voluntary notices.
§ 802.505 - Determination of whether to undertake an investigation.
§ 802.506 - Determination not to undertake an investigation.
§ 802.507 - Commencement of investigation.
§ 802.508 - Completion or termination of investigation and report to the President.
§ 802.509 - Withdrawal of notices.
Subpart F - Committee Procedures
§ 802.601 - General.
§ 802.602 - Role of the Secretary of Labor.
§ 802.603 - Materiality.
§ 802.604 - Tolling of deadlines during lapse in appropriations.
Subpart G - Finality of Action
§ 802.701 - Finality of actions under section 721.
Subpart H - Provision and Handling of Information
§ 802.801 - Obligation of parties to provide information.
§ 802.802 - Confidentiality.
Subpart I - Penalties and Damages
§ 802.901 - Penalties and damages.
§ 802.902 - Effect of lack of compliance.
Subpart J - Foreign National Security Investment Review Regimes
§ 802.1001 - Determinations.
§ 802.1002 - Effect of determinations.
Subpart K - Filing Fees
§ 802.1101 - Amount of fee.
§ 802.1102 - Timing of payment.
§ 802.1103 - Valuation.
§ 802.1104 - Manner of payment.
§ 802.1105 - Refunds.
§ 802.1106 - Waiver.
§ 802.1107 - Refilings.
§ 802.1108 - Rejection of voluntary notice.
Appendix A to Part 802 - —List of Military Installations and Other U.S. Government Sites