Appendix B to Part 14 - Affidavit and Agreement by Civilian Defense Counsel

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  • Appendix B to Part 14 - Affidavit and Agreement by Civilian Defense Counsel

    Affidavit and Agreement by Civilian Defense Counsel

    Pursuant to Section 4(C)(3)(b) of Department of Defense Military Commission Order No. 1, “Procedures for Trials by Military Commissions of Certain Non-United States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism,” dated March 21, 2002 (“MCO No. 1”), Military Commission Instructions No. 4, “Responsibilities of the Chief Defense Counsel, Detailed Defense Counsel, and Civilian Defense Counsel” (“MCI No. 4”) and No. 5, “Qualification of Civilian Defense Counsel” (“MCI No. 5”), and in accordance with the President's Military Order of November 13, 2001, “Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism,” 66 FR 57833 (Nov. 16, 2001) (“President's Military Order”), I [Name of Civilian Attorney], make this Affidavit and Agreement for the purposes of applying for qualification as a member of the pool of Civilian Defense Counsel available to represent Accused before military commissions and serving in that capacity.

    I. Oaths or Affirmations. I swear or affirm that the following information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief:

    A. I have read and understand the President's Military Order, MCO No. 1, MCI No. 4, MCI No. 5, and all other Military Commission Orders and Instructions concerning the rules, regulations and instructions applicable to trial by military commissions. I will read all future Orders and Instructions applicable to trials by military commissions.

    B. I am aware that my qualification as a Civilian Defense Counsel does not guarantee my presence at closed military commission proceedings or guarantee my access to any information protected under Section 6(D)(5) or Section 9 of MCO No. 1.

    II. Agreements. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable regulations and instructions for counsel, including any rules of court for conduct during the course of proceedings, and specifically agree, without limitation, to the following:

    A. I will notify the Chief Defense Counsel and, as applicable, the relevant Presiding Officer immediately if, after the execution of this Affidavit and Agreement but prior to the conclusion of proceedings (defined as the review and final decision of the President or, if designated, the Secretary of Defense), if there is any change in any of the information provided in my application, including this Affidavit and Agreement, for qualification as member of the Civilian Defense Counsel pool. I understand that such notification shall be in writing and shall set forth the substantive nature of the changed information.

    B. I will be well-prepared and will conduct the defense zealously, representing the Accused throughout the military commission process, from the inception of my representation through the completion of any post trial proceedings as detailed in Section 6(H) of MCO No. 1. I will ensure that these proceedings are my primary duty. I will not seek to delay or to continue the proceedings for reasons relating to matters that arise in the course of my law practice or other professional or personal activities that are not related to military commission proceedings.

    C. The Defense Team shall consist entirely of myself, Detailed Defense Counsel, and other personnel provided by the Chief Defense Counsel, the Presiding Officer, or the Appointing Authority. I will make no claim against the U.S. Government for any fees or costs associated with my conduct of the defense or related activities or efforts.

    D. Recognizing that my representation does not relieve Detailed Defense Counsel of duties specified in Section 4(C)(2) of MCO No. 1, I will work cooperatively with such counsel to ensure coordination of efforts and to ensure such counsel is capable of conducting the defense independently if necessary.

    E. During the pendency of the proceedings, unless I obtain approval in advance from the Presiding Officer to do otherwise, I will comply with the following restrictions on my travel and communications:

    1. I will not travel or transmit documents from the site of the proceedings without the approval of the Appointing Authority or the Presiding Officer. The Defense Team and I will otherwise perform all of our work relating to the proceedings, including any electronic or other research, at the site of the proceedings (except that this shall not apply during post-trial proceedings detailed in Section 6(H) of MCO No. 1).

    2. I will not discuss or otherwise communicate or share documents or information about the case with anyone except persons who have been designated as members of the Defense Team in accordance with this Affidavit and Agreement and other applicable rules, regulations and instructions.

    F. At no time, to include any period subsequent to the conclusion of the proceedings, will I make any public or private statements regarding any closed sessions of the proceedings or any classified information or material, or document or material constituting protected information under MCO No. 1.

    G. I understand and agree to comply with all rules, regulations and instructions governing the handling of classified information and material. Furthermore, no document or material constituting protected information under MCO No. 1, regardless of its classification level, may leave the site of the proceedings.

    H. I understand that there may be reasonable restrictions on the time and duration of contact I may have with my client, as imposed by the Appointing Authority, the Presiding Officer, detention authorities, or regulation.

    I. I understand that my communications with my client, even if traditionally covered by the attorney-client privilege, may be subject to monitoring or review by government officials, using any available means, for security and intelligence purposes. I understand that any such monitoring will only take place in limited circumstances when approved by proper authority, and that any evidence or information derived from such communications will not be used in proceedings against the Accused who made or received the relevant communication. I further understand that communications are not protected if they would facilitate criminal acts or a conspiracy to commit criminal acts, or if those communications are not related to the seeking or providing of legal advice.

    J. I agree that I shall reveal to the Chief Defense Counsel and any other appropriate authorities, information relating to the representation of my client to the extent that I reasonably believe necessary to prevent the commission of a future criminal act that I believe is likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm, or significant impairment of national security.

    K. I understand and agree that nothing in this Affidavit and Agreement creates any substantive, procedural, or other rights for me as counsel or for my client(s).


    Print Name:



    State of )

    County of )

    Sworn to and subscribed before me, by _____, this __ day of ____, 20__.


    My commission expires: