Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 32 - National Defense |
Subtitle A - Department of Defense |
Chapter I - Office of the Secretary of Defense |
SubChapter D - Personnel, Military and Civilian |
Part 57 - Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible Dod Dependents |
Appendix C to Part 57 - Procedures for the Provision of Related Services by the Military Medical Departments to DoDDS Students on IEPs
A. Evaluation Procedures
(1) Upon request by a DoDDS CSC, the responsible EDIS shall ensure that a qualified medical authority conducts or verifies a medical evaluation for use by the CSC in determining the medically related disability that results in a child's need for special education and related services, and oversees an EDIS evaluation used in determining a child's need for related services.
(i) This medical or related services evaluation, including necessary consultation with other medical personnel, shall be supervised by a physician or other qualified healthcare provider.
(ii) This medical evaluation shall include a review of general health history, current health assessment, systems evaluation to include growth and developmental assessment, and, if pertinent, detailed evaluation of gross motor and fine motor adaptive skills, psychological status, and visual and audiological capabilities, including details of present level of performance in each of these areas affecting the student's performance in school.
(iii) The EDIS-related services evaluation shall be specific to the areas addressed in the referral by the CSC.
(2) EDIS shall provide a summary evaluation report to the CSC that responds to the questions posed in the original referral. The written report shall include:
(i) Demographic information about the child.
(ii) Behavioral observation of the child during testing.
(iii) Instruments and techniques used.
(iv) Evaluation results.
(v) Descriptions of the child's strengths and limitations.
(vi) Instructional implications of the findings; and
(vii) The impact of the child's medical condition(s), if applicable, on his or her educational performance.
(3) If EDIS determines that in order to respond to the CSC referral the scope of its assessment and evaluation must be expanded beyond the areas specified in the initial parental permission, EDIS must:
(i) Obtain parental permission for the additional activities.
(ii) Complete their initial evaluation by the original due date; and
(iii) Notify the CSC of the additional evaluation activities.
(4) When additional evaluation information is submitted by EDIS, the CSC shall review all data and determine the need for program changes and/or the reconsideration of eligibility.
(5) An EDIS provider shall serve on the CSC when eligibility, placement, or requirements for related services that EDIS provides are to be determined.
(6) Related services provided by EDIS, pursuant to an IEP, are educational and not medical services.
(1) EDIS shall be provided the opportunity to participate in the IEP meeting.
(2) EDIS shall provide related services assigned to EDIS that are listed on the IEP.
C. Liaison With DoDDS
Each EDIS shall designate an EDIS Liaison Officer to:
(1) Provide liaison between the EDIS and DoDDS schools.
(2) Offer, on a consultative basis, training for DoDDS personnel on medical aspects of specific disabilities.
(3) Offer consultation and advice as needed regarding the health services provided at school (for example, tracheostomy care, tube feeding, occupational therapy).
(4) Participate with DoDDS and legal personnel in developing and delivering in-service training programs that include familiarization with various conditions that impair a child's educational endeavors, the relationship of medical findings to educational functioning, related services, and this part.