Appendix H to Part 57 - Monitoring

Latest version.
  • A. Monitoring

    (1) The DoDEA and the Military Medical Departments shall establish procedures for monitoring special services requiring:

    (i) Periodic on-site monitoring at each administrative level.

    (ii) The DoD school systems to report annually that the provision of special education and related services is in compliance with this part.

    (iii) The Military Medical Departments to report annually that the provision of EIS is in compliance with this part.

    (2) The Director, DoDEA, and the Surgeons General of the Military Medical Departments shall submit reports to the DoD-CC not later than July 31 each year that summarize the status of compliance. The reports shall:

    (i) Identify procedures conducted at Headquarters and at each subordinate level, including on-site visits, to evaluate compliance with this part.

    (ii) Summarize the findings.

    (iii) Describe corrective actions required of the programs that were not in compliance and the technical assistance that shall be provided to ensure they reach compliance.

    B. USD(P&R) Oversight

    (1) On behalf of the USD(P&R), the DoD-CC or designees, shall make periodic unannounced visits to selected programs to ensure the monitoring process is in place and to validate the compliance data and reporting. The DoD-CC may use other means in addition to the procedures in this section to ensure compliance with the requirements established in this part.

    (2) For DoD-CC monitoring visits, the Secretaries of the Military Departments, or designees, shall:

    (i) Provide necessary travel funding and support for their respective team members.

    (ii) Provide necessary technical assistance and logistical support to monitoring teams during monitoring visits to facilities for which they are responsible.

    (iii) Cooperate with monitoring teams, including making all pertinent records available to the teams.

    (iv) Address monitoring teams' recommendations concerning early intervention and related services for which the Secretary concerned has responsibility, including those to be furnished through an inter-Service agreement, are promptly implemented.

    (3) For DoD-CC monitoring visits, the Director, DoDEA shall:

    (i) Provide necessary travel funding and support for team members from the Office of the Under Secretary (P&R); the Office of GC, DoD; and DoD school systems.

    (ii) Provide necessary technical assistance and logistical support to monitoring teams during monitoring visits to facilities for which he/she is responsible.

    (iii) Cooperate with monitoring teams, including making all pertinent records available to the teams.

    (iv) Address the monitoring teams' recommendations concerning special education and related services for which the DoD school system concerned has responsibility.

    (4) The ASD(HA), or designee, shall provide technical assistance to the DoD monitoring teams when requested.

    (5) The GC, DoD, or designee, shall:

    (i) Provide legal counsel regarding monitoring activities conducted pursuant to this part to the USD(P&R), the ASD(HA), and, where appropriate, to DoDEA, monitored Agencies, and monitoring teams.

    (ii) Provide advice about the legal requirements of this part and Federal law to the DoD school systems, military medical commanders, and military installation commanders, and to other DoD personnel as appropriate, in connection with monitoring activities conducted pursuant to this part.