Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 32 - National Defense |
Subtitle A - Department of Defense |
Chapter I - Office of the Secretary of Defense |
SubChapter D - Personnel, Military and Civilian |
Part 86 - Background Checks on Individuals in Dod Child Care Services Programs |
Appendix C to Part 86 - State Information
All SCHR checks should be accompanied by the following: 1. State form, if required. If no State form is required, the request should be on letterhead, beginning with the statement that the check is in accordance with Public Law 101-647. The request must include full identifying information, such as: Name, date of birth, social security number, complete addresses, etc.
2. Fingerprint set if required. Some State laws require a fingerprint set either on a State form or forms used by the agency.
3. Release statement signed by the applicant or employee. If required by the State, the release must be notarized.
4. Payment for the SCHR check.
5. Self-addressed, stamped envelope.
The following is an updated listing of State addresses, fees, and other information:
Address Fee Remarks State of Alabama, Alabama Dept. of Public Safety, Attn: ABI Division, 5002 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130 $25 Name check, COMM: 205-242-4372. State of Alaska, Alaska Dept, of Public Safety, Information Systems Section, 5700 Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99507 20 Fingerprints required, reason for request required (comply with Pub. L.), name and address authorized request and receive SCHRC, COMM: 907-269-5511. State of Arizona, Arizona Criminal Justice, Dept. of Public Safety, Information Systems Division, PO Box 6638, Phoenix, AZ 80550 No check Limited release, call/write, write for information. COMM: 602-223-2229. State of Arkansas, Arkansas State Police, PO Box 5901, Little Rock, AR 72215 No fee Name check, written consent required, COMM: 501-221-8233. State of California, Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Justice, Identification and Information Bureau, PO Box 903417, Sacramento, CA 94203-4170 27 Fingerprints required, COMM: 916-739-2786. State of Colorado, Crime Information Center, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, 690 Kipling Street, #3000, Lakewood, CO 80215 4.50 Write/call for form, name check, COMM: 303-239-4222/4229. State of Connecticut, Dept. of State Police, Bureau of Investigation, Building 4, 294 Colony Street, Meriden, CT 06450 No fee Name check, written consent required, copy of Pub. L. required, COMM: 203-238-6155. State of Delaware, Delaware State Police-SBI, State Bureau of Investigation, PO Box 430, Dover, DE 19903 25 Fingerprints required, COMM: 302-739-5871. Washington, DC, Identification and Records Division, Metropolitan Police Dept., Room 2076, 300 Indiana Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20001 No fee Name check, written request required, COMM: 202-727-4245. State of Florida, Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement, PO Box 1489, Tallahassee, FL 32302 10 Name check, check to: Dept. of Law Enforcement, COMM: 904-488-6236. State of Georgia, Georgia Criminal Information Center, PO Box 370748, Decatur, GA 30037-0748 15 Write or call for form, notary and fingerprints required, COMM: 404-244-2644. State of Hawaii, Criminal Justice Data Center, 465 South King Street, Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96813 No fee Name check, COMM: 808-587-3100. State of Idaho, Idaho Dept. of Law Enforcement, Criminal Identification Bureau, 6064 Corporal Lane, Boise, ID 83704 5 Name check, written consent required, payment to: Dept. of Law Enforcement, COMM: 208-327-7130. State of Illinois, Bureau of Identification, 260 North Chicago Street, Joliet, IL 60431-1060 14 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 815-740-5184. State of Indiana, Indiana State Police, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room 312, Indianapolis, IN 46204 7 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 317-232-8266. State of Iowa, Commissioner Paul H. Wieck II, Iowa Dept. of Public Safety, Wallace State Office Building, Des Moines, IA 50319 6 Release within State, COMM: 515-281-5138. State of Kansas, Kansas Bureau of Investigation, 1620 Southwest Tyler, Topeka, KS 66612 10 Write or call for form, name check, $5 per name, over two names, COMM: 913-232-6000. State of Kentucky, Kentucky State Police Records, State Office Building, 1250 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601 4 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 502-227-8700x214. State of Louisiana, Louisiana State Police, Department of Public Safety, PO Box 66614, Baton Rouge, LA 70896 13 Write or call for form, fingerprints required, COMM: 502-925-6095. State of Maine, State Bureau of Investigation, Department of Public Safety, Maine State Police, 36 Hospital Street, Augusta, ME 04333 No fee Name check, reason for check required; i.e., comply with Pub. L., COMM: 207-624-7009. State of Maryland, Criminal Justice Information Service, Central Repository, Building G4, 1201 Reistertown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 18 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 410-764-4501. State of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Public Safety, Criminal History Systems Board, 1010 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 No fee Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 617-727-0090x12. State of Michigan, Michigan State Police, FOI Unit, 7150 Harris Drive, Lansing, MI 48913 No check No release, COMM: 517-322-5531. State of Minnesota, Criminal Justice Information Systems, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety, 1246 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 8 Name check, written consent required, COMM: 612-642-0670. State of Mississippi, Department of Public Safety, ATTN: Identification Bureau, PO Box 958, Jackson, MS 39225 No fee Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 607-987-1212. State of Missouri, Criminal Records Division, State Highway Patrol, Department of Public Safety, PO Box 568, Jefferson City, MO 65102 5 Write or call for form, name check COMM: 314-751-3313. State of Montana, Identification Bureau, Department of Justice, 303 North Roberts, Helena, MT 59620-1418 5 Name check, COMM: 406-444-3625. State of Nebraska, Nebraska State Patrol, PO Box 94907, State House Station, ATTN: CID, Lincoln, NE 68509-4907 10 Name check, COMM: 402-471-4545. State of Nevada, Nevada Highway Patrol, 555 Wright Way, Carson City, NV 89711 15 Write or call for form, fingerprints required, COMM: 702-687-5300. State of New Hampshire, New Hampshire State Policy HQ, Criminal Records, 10 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03305 10 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 603-271-2538. State of New Jersey, Division of State Police, Records and ID Section, PO Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08625-0068 12 Copy of Pub. L. required, name check, COMM: 609-882-2000. State of New Mexico, Department of Public Safety, Records Bureau, PO Box 1628, Sante Fe, NM 87504-1628 5 Write or call for form, name check, notary required, COMM: 505-827-9181. State of New York, Division of Criminal Justice Services, Executive Park Tower, Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, NY 12203 No check No release at current time, state requires an agreement with agency to process, COMM: 518-485-7685. State of North Carolina, Division of Criminal Information, Bureau of Investigation, 407 North Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601-1009 14 Fingerprint form required, copy of Pub. L. required, call/write for form, COMM: 919-662-4500. State of North Dakota, Bureau of Criminal Information, PO Box 1054, Bismark, ND 58502 20 Name check, written consent required, COMM: 702-221-6180. State of Ohio, Bureau of Criminal Information, PO Box 365, London, OH 43140 15 Write or call for form, written consent required, fingerprints required, COMM: 614-852-2556. State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Law Enforcement, Criminal History Information, ATTN: Criminal History, PO 11497, Oklahoma City, OK 73136 10 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 405-848-6724. State of Oregon, Criminal ID, State Police, 155 Cottage Street, NE, Salem, OR 97310 10 Name check, COMM: 503-378-3070. State of Pennsylvania, Records and ID Division, Pennsylvania State Police, Dept. HQ, 1800 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110 10 Write or call for form, name check, 10 COMM: 717-783-5592. State of Rhode Island, Rhode Island State Police, PO Box 185, North Scituate, RI 02857 No fee Name check, written consent required, COMM: 401-647-3311. State of South Carolina, State Law Enforcement Division, ATTN: Criminal Records, PO Box 21398, Columbia, SC 29221-1398 10 Name check, COMM: 803-737-4205, DSN: 734-1110. State of South Dakota, Division Criminal Investigation, Attorney General's Office, East Highway 34, Pierre, SD 57501-5070 15 Write or call for form, fingerprints required, COMM: 605-773-3334. State of Tennessee, Tennessee Criminal Information Center, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, PO Box 100940, Nashville, TN 37210 23 Write or call for form, fingerprints required, COMM: 615-741-3241. State of Texas, Texas Crime Records Division, Texas Dept. of Public Safety, PO Box 15999, Austin, TX 78761-5999 15 Fingerprints required, written consent required, COMM: 512-465-2079. State of Utah, Bureau of Criminal Identification, Utah Dept. of Public Safety, 4501 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84119 No fee Write or call for form, name check, copy of law required, COMM: 801-965-4571. State of Vermont, Vermont Criminal Information Center, Dept. of Public Safety, PO Box 189, Waterbury, VT 05676 No fee Name check, written consent required, COMM: 802-244-8786. Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Records Management Div., Dept. of State Police, PO Box 850761, Richmond, VA 23261-5076 10 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 804-674-2024. State of Washington, Washington, State Patrol, Identification Section, PO Box 42633, Olympia, WA 98504-2633 10 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 206-753-0230/7272. West Virginia State Police, Dept. of Public Safety, 725 Jefferson Road, South Charleston, WV 25309 5 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 304-746-2180. State of Wisconsin, Crime Information Bureau, Dept. of Justice, ATTN: Records Data Unit, PO Box 2718, Madison, WI 53701-2718 2 Write or call for form, name check, COMM: 608-266-7314. State of Wyoming, Division of Criminal Investigation, 316 West 22nd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002 15 Write or call for form, fingerprints required, written consent required, COMM: 307-777-7181.