Appendix E to Part 88 - Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success)  

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  • Appendix E to Part 88 - Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success)

    (a) Transition GPS.

    (1) Transition GPS is the package of TAP resources and services that will be used as a vehicle to enable eligible Service members to attain the CRS throughout the MLC TAP.

    (2) Changes, as needed, to the standardized Transition GPS brick-and-mortar or virtual curricula, services, and learning objectives must be approved by TVPO for implementation across all Military Departments.

    (3) The following Transition GPS components require mandatory participation unless Service members are exempt:

    (i) Pre-separation or Transition Counseling is mandatory. See appendix C to part 88 for Pre-separation or Transition Counseling requirements.

    (ii) VA Benefits Briefings I and II are mandatory.

    (iii) Capstone is mandatory. See appendix H to part 88 for Capstone requirements.

    (4) Participation in the DOLEW is mandatory, unless exempt. See appendix F to part 88 for specific DOLEW exemptions.

    (5) Except for the components designated as mandatory, participation in Transition GPS tracks are based on proof of the Service member's ability to meet the associated CRS.

    (6) Transition GPS consist of these components:

    (i) Pre-separation or Transition Counseling. Pre-separation or Transition Counseling is mandatory for all eligible Service members no later than 90 days before separation, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 1142. See appendix C to part 88 for Pre-separation or Transition Counseling requirements.

    (ii) Transition GPS Core Curricula. Except for those subcomponents designated as mandatory, completion of the following subcomponents is determined based on the eligible Service member's ability to attain the CRS. The curricula consists of thefollowing subcomponents (defined in § 88.3):

    (A) Transition Overview;

    (B) Resilient Transitions;

    (C) MOC Crosswalk;

    (D) Personal Financial Planning for Transition;

    (E) VA Benefits Briefings I and II, to be conducted pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1142. Completion of this subcomponent is mandatory;

    (F) DOLEW, to be conducted pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1144. Completion of this subcomponent is mandatory, unless exempt. See appendix F to part 88 for DOLEW exemption eligibility; and

    (G) ITP Review.

    (iii) Transition GPS Tracks.

    (A) Eligible Service members may choose to participate in one or more, if resources, capability, and operational requirements allow of the Transition GPS tracks based on their interests and ability to meet the CRS.

    (B) The outcome of completed tracks will be documented in the Service member's ITP and on the ITP checklist, as applicable.

    (C) Eligible Service members may participate in one or more, if resource availability and operational requirements allow, of the following Transition GPS tracks:

    (1) Accessing Higher Education Track. Eligible Service members pursuing higher education will receive guidance to prepare for the application process. On completing the Accessing Higher Education Track, eligible Service members will be prepared to:

    (i) Complete an application to an accredited academic institution offering a sound program of study towards the Service member's career aspirations within the member's financial means.

    (ii) Schedule a session with a counselor from an academic institution.

    (iii) Meet individually with education counselors, as needed.

    (2) Career Technical Training Track. Eligible Service members pursuing career technical training will receive guidance and help in selecting schools and technical fields. On completion of the Career Technical Training Track, eligible Service members will be prepared to:

    (i) Complete an application to an accredited career technical training institution offering a sound program of study towards the Service member's career aspirations within the member's financial means.

    (ii) Schedule a session with a counselor from a career technical training institution.

    (iii) Meet individually with career technical training experts and VA vocational education counselors, as applicable.

    (3) Entrepreneurship Track. Eligible Service members pursuing business ownership or self-employment in the private or non-profit sectors will receive information related to the benefits and challenges of entrepreneurship, the steps required to pursue business ownership and evaluate the feasibility of a business concept, and the SBA and other public and private sector resources available for further technical assistance and access to capital and contracting opportunities. Upon completing of Entrepreneurship Track, eligible Service members will have developed the initial components of a business feasibility plan at no cost to the participant.

    (i) Eligible Service members will be given the opportunity to enroll in an optional eight-week online entrepreneurship course instructed by professors and practitioners.

    (ii) Eligible Service members will be afforded the opportunity to connect with a small business owner as a mentor to assist with the business start-up process. A warm handover, as needed, will be coordinated through procedures established by the SBA.

    (iv) Capstone.

    (A) Completion of Capstone is mandatory.

    (B) Capstone provides an opportunity for eligible Service members to have attainment of the CRS verified by the commander or his or her designee.

    (C) At Capstone, if the Service member cannot meet the CRS before transition, the commander or his or her designee confirms and documents a warm handover to appropriate interagency parties, or local resources. If in the judgement of the Commander or commander's designee, it is determined that the Service member does not meet CRS or does not have a viable ITP, then he or she must confirm that a warm handover takes place with the appropriate interagency parties, as needed.

    (b) Command responsibility. (1) Commanders have oversight responsibility for Service members achieving CRS via Transition GPS. The oversight responsibility may not be delegated. Transition GPS may not be delegated except as stated in paragraph (b)(2) of this appendix.

    (2) Commanders will:

    (i) Ensure eligible Service members are afforded the opportunity, resources, and time to meet the CRS before separation, retirement, or release from active duty.

    (ii) Be fully engaged throughout the MLC TAP in enabling Service members the opportunity, resources, and time to meet and attain the CRS and comply with statutory mandates before separation, retirement, or release from active duty.

    (iii) Verify that eligible Service members have met the CRS and have a viable ITP during Capstone and ensure that members who did not meet the CRS or do not have a viable ITP receive a warm handover to the appropriate interagency parties or local resources.

    (iv) Ensure Transition GPS components are delivered at key touch points throughout the MLC TAP.

    (v) Ensure development and maintenance of the IDP throughout the MLC TAP and afford Service members the opportunity, resources and time to meet the CRS.

    (c) Transition GPS timeline. In anticipation of the discharge or release from active duty of an eligible Service member, and during key touch points in the MLC TAP, the following timeline is applicable:

    (1) In the case of an anticipated retirement, the components of Transition GPS not yet completed will begin as soon as possible during the 24-month period before the retirement date;

    (2) In the case of a separation other than a retirement, the components of Transition GPS not yet completed will begin as soon as possible during the 12-month period before the anticipated discharge date;

    (3) The incomplete components of Transition GPS will begin no later than 90 days before separation, retirement, or release from active duty except in those cases where statute determines specific timelines;

    (4) In the case that there is a retirement or an unanticipated separation, and there are 89 days or fewer before discharge or release from active duty, the components of Transition GPS not yet completed will begin as soon as possible within the remaining period of service or the effective date on the DD 214, and the Service member must meet all requirements; and

    (5) Transition GPS will begin as soon as possible within the remaining period of service when:

    (i) An eligible RC member is being released from active duty under circumstances in which operational requirements, as determined by the Secretary concerned, make the prescribed timeline unfeasible; or

    (ii) There are 90 or fewer days before the anticipated release from active duty.