Appendix F to Part 88 - DOLEW Exemptions  

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  • Appendix F to Part 88 - DOLEW Exemptions

    (a) The only exemptions to eligible Service member participation in the DOLEW portion of the Transition GPS Core Curricula are:

    (1) Eligible Service members retiring after 20 or more years of qualifying military service.

    (2) Eligible Service members who, after serving their first 180 continuous days or more on active duty, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1142 meet at least one of the following criteria:

    (i) Are able to provide documented evidence of civilian employment; or.

    (ii) Are able to provide documented acceptance into an accredited career technical training, undergraduate, or graduate degree program; or.

    (iii) Have specialized skills which, due to unavoidable circumstances, are needed to support a unit on orders scheduled to deploy within 60 days. The first commander in the eligible Service members' chain of command, with authority pursuant to 10 U.S.C. chapter 47, also known and referred to as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), must certify on the DD Form 2958 any such request for exemption from the DOLEW. A make-up plan must accompany the postponement certification.

    (iv) Eligible recovering Service members who are separating, retiring, or being released from active duty who are enrolled in the Education and Employment Initiative, or similar transition program designed to secure employment, higher education, or career technical training post-separation. The standardized terms and definitions for wounded, ill, and injured are outlined in the DoD/VA Wounded, Ill, and Injured Senior Oversight Committee Memorandum, “Implementation of Wounded, Ill, and Injured Related Standard Definitions” (available at

    (b) TAP staff will document on the DD Form 2958 the decision of eligible Service members who qualify for an exemption and elect not to participate in the DOLEW.

    (c) Eligible RC Service members who have previously participated in the DOLEW may request an exemption.

    (d) Eligible Service members who qualify for an exemption may still elect to participate in the DOLEW.