Appendix H to Part 88 - Capstone  

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  • Appendix H to Part 88 - Capstone

    (a) Review and verification. Capstone is a two-stage process. Stage one is an in-depth review of the Service members ITP and CRS, which is conducted by TAP staff. Stage two consists of the Commander or Commanders' designee verifying that the Service member has a viable ITP and has met the CRS. If the Commander or Commanders' designee determines that the Service member does not meet CRS or does not have a viable ITP, then he or she must confirm that a warm handover takes place with the appropriate interagency parties, as needed. The review and verification processes may or may not occur simultaneously.

    (1) Stage One - Capstone review. During the Capstone review, a Service member's ITP, CRS deliverables pertaining to the member's personal goals and ITP Checklist will be checked to identify shortfalls and determine if the member is at risk of not meeting the CRS before separation, retirement, or release from active duty.

    (i) The review will be conducted by:

    (A) A TAP staff member or career counselor for eligible Service members in the rank of O-5 or below.

    (B) The first Commander with UCMJ authority in the chain of command, or his or her designee, for eligible Service members in the rank of O-6 and above.

    (ii) If during the review a Service member is determined to be incapable of meeting the CRS or has gaps in the ITP, the TAP staff will introduce the member to the necessary resources to assist him or her in becoming career ready. Resources include remedial skills building via the Transition GPS curricula, one-on-one assistance from TAP staff, and assistance from installation or local community resources.

    (iii) Service members will document the point of contact name, phone number, and email address of remedial resources on the ITP.

    (2) Stage Two - Capstone verification. The eligible Service member's Commander or his or her designee will review the ITP, CRS deliverables, and DD Form 2958 during Capstone verification to determine whether the requirements to complete the CRS have been attained.

    (i) In cases where Service members are still not able to meet the CRS during Capstone verification, the Commander or his or her designee will initiate a warm handover to appropriate partner agencies or local resources for post-separation support in the community where the Service member plans to relocate; and

    (ii) The Commander or his or her designee will confirm the warm handover has occurred by documenting it on the DD Form 2958.

    (3) Completion of Capstone. Service members are to be counseled on their ITPs during Capstone. If they do not have a viable ITP or meet CRS, they will be referred to further training and services, as needed; and connected, as needed, to appropriate interagency parties and local resources that provide continued benefits, services, and support when they become veterans.

    (b) Timeline.

    (1) Capstone will be completed for each eligible Service member in accordance with the timeline prescribed within this appendix to verify the member has met the CRS before separation, retirement, or release from active duty.

    (2) Capstone will be completed no later than 90 days preceding an anticipated separation, retirement, or release from active duty for eligible Service members.

    (3) Exceptions to this timeline are:

    (i) In the case of eligible AC Service members with an unanticipated separation of 89 days or fewer before discharge or release from active duty, Capstone will begin no later than the date of separation as reflected on the DD Form 214.

    (ii) In the case of eligible RC members release from active duty, in which operational requirements, as determined by the Secretary concerned, make the prescribed timeline unfeasible, Capstone will begin no later than the date of release from active duty as reflected on the DD Form 214.