Appendix I to Part 88 - Data, Information Collection, Data Sharing, and Management Portfolio

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  • Appendix I to Part 88 - Data, Information Collection, Data Sharing, and Management Portfolio

    (a) Data. Individual eligible Service member Transition GPS data and attendance will be stored in the DMDC-provided Web service capabilities for:

    (1) DD Forms 2648 or 2648-1;

    (2) Transition Overview;

    (3) Resilient Transitions;

    (4) MOC Crosswalk;

    (5) Personal Financial Planning for Transition;

    (6) VA Benefits Briefings I and II;

    (7) DOLEW;

    (8) ITP Review;

    (9) Tracks;

    (10) ITP Checklist; and

    (11) Participant Assessment.

    (b) Data sharing.

    (1) Specific information regarding data collection, data sharing, assessments, and evaluations can be found in the MOU among DOD, VA, DOL, ED, DHS, SBA, and OPM, “Transition Assistance Program for Separating Service Members”. This reference serves as the basis of an information sharing agreement between the interagency parties and the DoD.

    (2) TVPO will oversee and coordinate sharing requirements and authorities for DoD TAP data with interagency parties, as applicable.

    (3) DMDC will process, store, host, and maintain data and coordinate data sharing on request that meets established DoD information assurance standards in accordance with this appendix and 32 CFR part 310.

    (4) Each organization requesting TAP data sharing will prepare a business case to support the purpose and type of data requested from other parties.

    (i) The business case will clearly articulate how the requested data enables the parties to meet their mission and better serve Service members and veterans.

    (ii) The business case will be submitted to TVPO for review and approval.

    (iii) Approved business cases will be submitted to DMDC to set up business processes and cost sharing arrangements.

    (5) To ensure protection of PII and privacy:

    (i) The DoD Components and interagency parties will share Service member information in accordance with 32 CFR part 310 and requirements for collecting, sharing, storing, and maintaining PII. They will meet the need, if required, to establish a system of records notification; and

    (ii) All official procedures for safeguarding and retaining PII will be followed as established in 32 CFR part 310.

    (c) Management Portfolio.

    (1) DoD TAP data and information requirements governed by this appendix will be reviewed by TVPO for alignment to the investment and IT portfolios to ensure no duplication of capability or system redundancies occur during requirement development or IT acquisition.

    (2) TAP data will be shared in a standard form for the enterprise to facilitate compliance verification and to measure effectiveness of the program.