Appendix B to Part 154 - Request Procedures  

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  • Appendix B to Part 154 - Request Procedures

    A. General. To conserve investigative resources and to insure that personnel security investigations are limited to those essential to current operations and are clearly authorized by DoD policies, organizations requesting investigations must assure that continuing command attention is given to the investigative request process.

    In this connection, it is particularly important that the provision of Executive Order 12356 requiring strict limitations on the dissemination of official information and material be closely adhered to and that investigations requested for issuing clearances are limited to those instances in which an individual has a clear need for access to classified information. Similarly, investigations required to determine eligibility for appointment or retention in DoD, in either a civilian or military capacity, must not be requested in frequency or scope exceeding that provided for in this part.

    In view of the foregoing, the following guidelines have been developed to simplify and facilitate the investigative request process:

    1. Limit requests for investigation to those that are essential to current operations and clearly authorized by DoD policies and attempt to utilize individuals who, under the provisions of this part, have already met the security standard;

    2. Assure that military personnel on whom investigative requests are initiated will have sufficient time remaining in service after completion of the investigation to warrant conducting it;

    3. Insure that request forms and prescribed documentation are properly executed in accordance with instructions;

    4. Dispatch the request directly to the DIS Personnel Investigations Center;

    5. Promptly notify the DIS Personnel Investigations Center if the investigation is no longer needed (notify OPM if a NACI is no longer needed); and

    6. Limit access through strict need-to-know, thereby requiring fewer investigations.

    In summary, close observance of the above-cited guidelines will allow the DIS to operate more efficiently and permit more effective, timely, and responsive service in accomplishing investigations.

    B. National Agency Check (NAC). When a NAC is requested an original only of the DD Form 398-2 (National Agency Check Request) and a completed FD 258 (Applicant Fingerprint Card) are required. If the request is for an ENTNANC, an original only of the DD Form 398-2 and a completed DD Form 2280 (Armed Forces Fingerprint Card) are required. Those forms should be sent directly to: Personnel Investigation Center, Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 1083, Baltimore, Maryland 21203.

    C. National Agency Check plus written Inquiries (NACI). When a NACI is requested, an original and one copy of the SF 85 (Data for Nonsensitive or Noncritical-sensitive Position), an SF 171 (Personal Qualifications Statement), and an SF 87 (U.S. Civil Service Commission Fingerprint Chart) shall be sent directly to: Office of Personnel Management, Bureau of Personnel Investigations, NACI Center, Boyers, Pennsylvania 16018.

    The notation “ALL REFERENCES” shall be stamped immediately above the title at the top of the Standard Form 85.

    D. DoD National Agency Check with Inquiries (DNACI).

    1. When a DNACI is requested, one copy of DD Form 1879, an original and two copies of the DD Form 398-2 (National Agency Check Request), two copies of FD 258 (Fingerprint Card), and an original of DD Form 2221 (Authority for Release of Information and Records) shall be sent directly to: Personnel Investigations Center, Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 1083, Baltimore, Maryland 21203.

    2. The DD Form 398-2 must be completed to cover the most recent five year period. All information, to include items relative to residences and employment, must be complete and accurate to avoid delays in processing.

    E. Special Background Investigation (SBI)/Background Investigation (BI).

    1. When requesting a BI or SBI, one copy of DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security Investigation), an original and four copies of DD Form 398 (Statement of Personnel History), two copies of FD 258, and an original of DD Form 2221 (Authority for Release of Information and Records) shall be sent directly to the: Personnel Investigations Center, Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 454, Baltimore, Maryland 21203.

    2. For the BI and SBI, the DD Form 398 must be completed to cover the most recent five and 15 year period, respectively, or since the 18th birthday, whichever is shorter.

    F. Periodic Reinvestigation (PR).

    1. PRs shall be requested only in such cases as are authorized by § 154.19

    (a) through (k) of this part.

    a. For a PR requested in accordance with § 154.19 (a) and (k) and the DD Form 1879 must be accompanied by the following documents:

    (1) Original and four copies of DD Form 398.

    (2) Two copies of FD-258.

    (3) Original copy of DD Form 2221.

    b. In processing PRs, previous investigative reports will not be requested by the requesting organization, unless significant derogatory or adverse information, postdating the most recent favorable adjudication, is developed during the course of reviewing other locally available records. In the latter instance, requests for previous investigative reports may only be made if it is determined by the requesting organization that the derogatory information is so significant that a review of previous investigative reports is necessary for current adjudicative determinations.

    2. No abbreviated version of DD Form 398 may be submitted in connection with a PR.

    3. The PR request shall be sent to the address in paragraph E.1.

    G. Additional investigation to resolve derogatory or adverse information.

    1. Requests for additional investigation required to resolve derogatory or adverse information shall be submitted by DD Form 1879 (Request for Personnel Security Investigation) to the: Defense Investigative Service, P.O. Box 454, Baltimore, Maryland 21203.

    Such requests shall set forth the basis for the additional investigation and describe the specific matter to be substantiated or disproved.

    2. The request should be accompanied by an original and four copies of the DD Form 398, where appropriate, two copies of FD-258 and an original copy of DD Form 2221, unless such documentation was submitted within the last 12 months to DIS as part of a NAC or other personnel security investigation. If pertinent, the results of a recently completed NAC, NACI, or other related investigative reports available should also accompany the request.

    H. Obtaining results of prior investigations. Requesters requiring verification of a specified type of personnel security investigation, and/or requiring copies of prior investigations conducted by the DIS shall submit requests by letter or message to: Defense Investigative Service Investigative Files Division, P.O. Box 1211, Baltimore, Maryland 21203, Message Address: DIS PIC BALTIMORE MD/ /D0640.

    The request will include subject's name, grade, social security number, date and place of birth, and DIS case control number if known.

    I. Requesting postadjudication cases.

    1. Requests pertaining to issues arising after adjudication of an investigation (postadjudication cases) shall be addressed to DIS on a DD Form 1879 accompanied by a DD Form 398, where appropriate.

    2. All requests for initial investigations will be submitted to PIC regardless of their urgency. If, however, there is an urgent need for a postadjudication investigation, or the mailing of a request to PIC for initiation of a postadjudication case would prejudice timely pursuit of investigative action, the DD Form 1879 may be directed for initiation, in CONUS, to the nearest DIS Field Office, and in overseas locations, to the military investigative service element supporting the requester (Appendix I). The field element (either DIS or the military investigative agency) will subsequently forward either the DD Form 1879 or completed investigation to PIC.

    3. A fully executed DD Form 1879 and appropriate supporting documents may not be immediately available. Further, a case that is based on sensitive security issues may be compromised by a request that the subject submit a DD Form 398. A brief explanation should appear on DD Form 1879s which does not include complete supporting documentation.

    J. Requests involving contractor employees. To preclude duplicative investigative requests and double handling of contractor employee cases involving access to classified information, all requests for investigation of contractor personnel must be submitted, using authorized industrial security clearance forms, for processing through the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office, except for programs in which specific approval has been obtained from the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy to utilize other procedures.

    K. Responsibility for proper documentation of requests. The official signing the request for investigation shall be responsible for insuring that all documentation is completed in accordance with these instructions.