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Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
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Title 32 - National Defense |
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Subtitle A - Department of Defense |
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Chapter I - Office of the Secretary of Defense |
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SubChapter M - Miscellaneous |
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Part 223 - Dod Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI) |
Appendix A to Part 223 - Procedures for Identifying and Controlling DoD UCNI
A. General
1. The Secretary of Defense's authority for prohibiting the unauthorized disclosure and dissemination of DoD UCNI may be exercised by the Heads of the DoD Components and by the officials to whom such authority is specifically delegated by the Heads of the DoD Components. These procedures for identifying and controlling DoD UCNI are provided as guidance for the Heads of the DoD Components to implement the Secretary of Defense's authority to prohibit the unauthorized dissemination of unclassified information on security measures, including security plans, procedures, and equipment, for the physical protection of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities.
2. The decision to protect unclassified information as DoD UCNI shall be based on a determination that the unauthorized dissemination of such information could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the health and safety of the public or the common defense and security by increasing significantly the likelihood of the illegal production of nuclear weapons or the theft, diversion, or sabotage of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities.
3. Government information shall be made publicly available to the fullest extent possible by applying the minimum restrictions consistent with the requirements of 10 U.S.C. 128, necessary to protect the health and safety of the public or the common defense and security.
4. DoD personnel, in making a determination to protect unclassified information as DoD UCNI, shall consider the probability of an illegal production, theft, diversion, or sabotage if the information proposed for protection were made available for pubic disclosure and dissemination. The determination to protect specific documents or information is not related to the ability of DoD UCNI to be obtained by other sources. For determining the control of DoD UCNI, the cognizant official should consider how the unauthorized disclosure or dissemination of such information could assist a potential adversary in the following:
a. Selecting a target for an act of theft, diversion, or sabotage of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities (e.g., relative importance of a facility or the location, form, and quantity of DoD SNM). Information that can be obtained by observation from public areas outside controlled locations should not be considered as DoD UCNI.
b. Planning or committing an act of theft, diversion, or sabotage of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities (e.g., design of security systems; building plans; methods and procedures for transfer, accountability, and handling of DoD SNM; or security plans, procedures, and capabilities).
c. Measuring the success of an act of theft, diversion, or sabotage of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities (e.g., actual or hypothetical consequences of the sabotage of specific vital equipment or facilities).
d. Illegally producing a nuclear explosive device (e.g., unclassified nuclear weapon design information useful in designing a primitive nuclear device; location of unique DoD SNM needed to fabricate such a device; or location of a nuclear weapon).
e. Dispersing DoD SNM in the environment (e.g., location, form, and quantity of DoD SNM).
5. DoD UCNI shall be identified, controlled, marked, transmitted, and safeguarded in the DoD Components, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and among DoD contractors, consultants, and grantees authorized to conduct official business for the Department of Defense. Contracts requiring the preparation of unclassified information that could be DoD UCNI shall have the requirements for identifying and controlling the DoD UCNI.
6. DoE GG–21
and DoE Orders 5635.42 and 5650.33 provide background on implementation of the UCNI Program in the DoE. The DoD Components maintaining custody of DoE UCNI should refer to those documents for its identification and control. 1 See footnote 3 to §223.2(c).
2 See footnote 3 to §223.2(c).
3 See footnote 3 to §223.2(c).
B. Identifying DoD UCNI
1. To be considered for protection as DoD UCNI, the information must:
a. Be unclassified.
b. Pertain to security measures, including plans, procedures, and equipment, for the physical protection of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities.
c. Meet the adverse effects test; i.e., that the unauthorized dissemination of such information could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the health and safety of the public or the common defense and security by increasing significantly the likelihood of the illegal production of nuclear weapons or the theft, diversion, or sabotage of DoD SNM, equipment, or facilities.
2. Information, in the categories in section C. of appendix B to this part, about DOD SNM should be considered for protection as DoD UCNI.
3. Material originated before the effective date of those procedures, which is found in the normal course of business to have DoD UCNI, shall be protected as DoD UCNI. There is no requirement to conduct detailed file searches to retroactively identify and control DoD UCNI. As existing documents or materials are withdrawn from file, they should be reviewed to determine if they meet the criteria for protection as DoD UCNI and marked and controlled, accordingly.
C. Access to DOD UCNI
1. A Reviewing Official is an Authorized Individual for documents or materials that the Reviewing Official determines to contain DoD UCNI. An Authorized Individual, for DoD UCNI, may determine that another person is an Authorized Individual who may be granted routine access to the DoD UCNI, and who may further disseminate the DoD UCNI under the procedures specified in paragraph E., below. This recipient of DoD UCNI from an Authorized Individual is also an Authorized Individual for the specific DoD UCNI to which routine access has been granted. An Authorized Individual designates another person to be an Authorized Individual by the act of giving that person a document or material that contains DoD UCNI. No explicit designation or security clearance is required. This second Authorized Individual may further disseminate the UCNI under the procedures specified in section E. of the appendix.
2. A person granted routine access to DoD UCNI must have a need to know the specific DoD UCNI in the performance of official duties or of DoD-authorized activities. The recipient of the document or material shall be informed of the physical protection and access requirements for DoD UCNI. In addition to a need to know, the person must meet at least one of the following requirements:
a. The person is a U.S. citizen who is one of the following:
(1) A Federal Government employee or member of the U.S. Armed Forces.
(2) An employee of a Federal Government contractor, subcontractor, or of a prospective Federal Government contractor or subcontractor who will use the DoD UCNI for the purpose of bidding on a Federal Government contract or subcontract.
(3) A Federal Government consultant or DoD advisory committee member.
(4) A member of Congress.
(5) A staff member of a congressional committee or of an individual Member of Congress.
(6) The Governor of a State or designated State government official or representative.
(7) A local government official or an Indian tribal government official; or
(8) A member of a State, local, or Indian tribal law enforcement or emergency response organization.
b. The person is other than a U.S. citizen, and is one of the following:
(1) A Federal Government employee or a member of the U.S. Armed Forces.
(2) An employee of a Federal Government contractor or subcontractor; or
(3) A Federal Government consultant or DoD advisory committee member.
c. The person may be other than a U.S. citizen who is not otherwise eligible for routine access to DoD UCNI under paragraph C. 2.b of this appendix, but who requires routine access to specific DoD UCNI in conjunction with one of the following:
(1) An international nuclear cooperative activity approved by the Federal Government.
(2) U.S. diplomatic dealings with foreign government officials; or
(3) Provisions of treaties, mutual defense acts, or Government contracts or subcontracts.
3. A person not authorized routine access to DoD UCNI under paragraph C.2. of this appendix, may submit a request for special access to DoD UCNI to Heads of DoD Components, or their designated representative, as appropriate. A special access request must include the following information:
a. The name, current residence or business address, birthplace, birth date, and country of citizenship of the person submitting the request.
b. A description of the DoD UCNI for which special access is being requested.
c. A description of the purpose for which the DoD UCNI is needed; and
d. Certification by the requester of his or her understanding of, and willingness to abide by, the requirements for the protection of DoD UCNI contained in this part.
4. Heads of DoD Components, or their designated representative, shall base his or her decision to grant special access to DoD UCNI on an evaluation of the following criteria:
a. The sensitivity of the DoD UCNI for which special access is being requested (i.e., the worst-case, adverse effect on the health and safety of the public or the common defense and security which would result from unauthorized use of the DoD UCNI).
b. The purpose for which the DoD UCNI is needed (e.g., the DoD UCNI will be used for commercial or other private purposes, or will be used for public benefit to fulfill statutory or regulatory responsibilities).
c. The likelihood of an unauthorized dissemination by the requester of the DoD UCNI; and
d. The likelihood of the requester using the DoD UCNI for illegal purposes.
5. Heads of DoD Components, or their designated representative, shall attempt to notify a person who requests special access to DoD UCNI within 30 days of receipt of the request as to whether or not special access to the requested DoD UCNI is granted. If a final determination on the request cannot be made within 30 days of receipt of the request, Heads of DoD Components, or their designated representative, shall notify the requester, within 30 days of the request, as to when the final determination on the request may be made.
6. A person granted special access to specific UCNI is not an Authorized Individual and shall not further disseminate the DoD UCNI to which special access has been granted.
7. An Authorized Individual granting routine access to specific DoD UCNI to another person shall notify each person granted access (other than when the person being granted such access is a Federal Government employee, a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, or an employee of a Federal Government contractor or subcontractor) of applicable regulations concerning the protection of DoD UCNI and of any special dissemination limitations that the Authorized Individual determines to apply for the specific DoD UCNI to which routine access is being granted.
8. Heads of DoD Components, or their designated representative, shall notify each person granted special access to DoD UCNI of applicable regulations concerning the protection of DoD UCNI prior to dissemination of the DoD UCNI to the person.
9. The requirement to notify persons granted routine access or special access to specific DoD UCNI may be met by attachment of an appropriate cover sheet to the front of each document or material containing DoD UCNI prior to its transmittal to the person granted access.
D. Markings
1. An unclassified document with DoD UCNI shall be marked “DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information” at the bottom on the outside of the front cover, if any, and on the outside of the back cover, if any.
2. In an unclassified document, an individual page that has DoD UCNI shall be marked to show which of its portions contain DoD UCNI information. In marking sections, parts, paragraphs, or similar portions, the parenthetical term “(DoD UCNI)” shall be used and placed at the beginning of those portions with DoD UCNI.
3. In a classified document, an individual page that has both DoD UCNI and classified information shall be marked at the top and bottom of the page with the highest security classification of information appearing on that page. In marking sections, parts, paragraphs, or similar portions, the parenthetical term “(DoD UCNI)” shall be used and placed at the beginning of those portions with DoD UCNI. In a classified document, an individual page that has DoD UCNI, but no classified information, shall be marked “DoD Unclassified Controlled Information” at the bottom of the page. The DoD UCNI marking may be combined with other markings, if all relevant statutory and regulatory citations are included.
4. Other material (e.g., photographs, films, tapes, or slides) shall be marked “DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information” to ensure that a recipient or viewer is aware of the status of the information.
E. Dissemination and Transmission
1. DoD UCNI may be disseminated in the DoD Components, the NATO, and among the DoD contractors, consultants, and grantees on a need-to-know basis to conduct official business for the Department of Defense. Recipients shall be made aware of the status of such information, and transmission shall be by means to preclude unauthorized disclosure or dissemination. Contracts that shall require access to DoD UCNI shall require compliance with this part and the DoD Component regulations and have the requirements for the marking, handling, and safeguarding of DoD UCNI.
2. DoD holders of DoD UCNI are authorized to convey such information to officials in other Departments or Agencies on a need-to-know basis to fulfill a Government function. Transmittal documents shall call attention to the presence of DoD UCNI attachments using an appropriate statement in the text, or marking at the bottom of the transmittal document, that “The attached document contains DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (DoD UCNI).” Similarly, documents transmitted shall be marked, as prescribed in section D. of this appendix.
3. DoD UCNI transmitted outside the Department of Defense requires application of an expanded marking to explain the significance of the DoD UCNI marking. That may be accomplished by typing or stamping the following statement on the document before transfer:
(5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3), as authorized by 10 U.S.C. 128)
4. When not commingled with classified information, DoD UCNI may be sent by first-class mail in a single, opaque envelope or wrapping.
5. DoD UCNI may only be discussed or transmitted over an unprotected telephone or telecommunications circuit (to include facsimile transmissions) in an emergency.
6. Each part of electronically transmitted messages with DoD UCNI shall be marked appropriately. Unclassified messages with DoD UCNI shall have the abbreviation “DoD UCNI” before the beginning of the text.
7. DoD UCNI may be processed, stored, or produced on stand-alone personal computers, or shared-logic work processing systems, if protection from unauthorized disclosure or dissemination, in accordance with the procedures in section F. of this appendix, can be ensured.
8. A document marked as having DoD UCNI may be reproduced minimally without permission of the originator and consistent with the need to carry out official business.
F. Safeguarding DoD UCNI
1. During normal working hours, documents determined to have DoD UCNI shall be placed in an out-of-sight location, or otherwise controlled, if the work area is accessible to unescorted personnel.
2. At the close of business, DoD UCNI material shall be stored so to preclude disclosure. Storage of such material with other unclassified documents in unlocked receptacles; i.e., file cabinets, desks, or bookcases, is adequate, when normal Government or Government-contractor internal building security is provided during nonduty hours. When such internal building security is not provided, locked rooms or buildings normally provide adequate after-hours protection. If such protection is not considered adequate, DoD UCNI material shall be stored in locked receptacles; i.e., file cabinets, desks, or bookcases.
3. Nonrecord copies of DoD UCNI materials must be destroyed by tearing each copy into pieces to reasonably preclude reconstruction and placing the pieces in regular trash containers. If the sensitivity or volume of the information justifies it, DoD UCNI material may be destroyed in the same manner as classified material rather than by tearing. Record copies of DoD UCNI documents shall be disposed of, in accordance with the DoD Components' record management regulations. DoD UCNI on magnetic storage media shall be disposed of by overwriting to preclude its reconstruction.
4. The unauthorized disclosure of DoD UCNI material does not consititute disclosure of DoD information that is classified for security purposes. Such disclosure of DoD UCNI justifies investigative and administrative actions to determine cause, assess impact, and fix responsibility. The DoD Component that originated the DoD UCNI information shall be informed of its unauthorized disclosure and the outcome of the investigative and administrative actions.
G. Retirement of Document of Material
1. Any unclassified document or material which is not marked as containing DoD UCNI but which may contain DoD UCNI shall be marked upon retirement in accordance with the DoD Components' record management regulations.
2. A document or material marked as containing DoD UCNI is not required to be reviewed by a Reviewing Official upon or subsequent to retirement. A Reviewing Official shall review any retired document or material upon a request for its release made under 5 U.S.C. 552.
H. Requests for Public Release of DoD UCNI
DoD 5400.7–R applies. Information that qualifies as DoD UCNI, under 10 U.S.C. 128, is exempt from mandatory disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552. Consequently, requests for the public release of DoD UCNI shall be denied under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3), citing 10 U.S.C. 128 as authority.
I. Reports
The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence shall prepare and maintain the quarterly reports required by 10 U.S.C. 128. The Heads of the DoD Components shall advise the ASD(C3I) when information not in the guidelines in appendix B to this part is determined to be DoD UCNI. Those reports shall have the following information:
1. Identification of the information to be controlled as DoD UCNI. It is not necessary to report each document or numbers of documents.
2. Justification for identifying the type of information to be controlled as DoD UCNI.
3. Certification that only the minimal information necessary to protect the health and safety of the public or the common defense and security is being controlled as DoD UCNI.