Appendix A to Part 230 - Procedures for Establishing, Supporting, and Terminating On-base Banking Offices  

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  • A. Establishing Banking Offices 1. General

    DoD Components shall review banking institution proposals and recommend selections in accordance with § 230.5(c). Banking institutions selected for domestic on-base operations must obtain authority from the appropriate regulatory agency before commencing such operation.

    a. In the case of State-chartered institutions that are members of the Federal Reserve System, approval shall also be obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank for the district in which the proposed banking office is located.

    b. In the case of State-chartered savings associations, approval shall be obtained from appropriate State regulatory agencies.

    c. In the case of federally chartered savings associations, the determination shall be made by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board or its principal supervisory agent for the district in which the association does business.

    2. Domestic Banking Offices

    a. Each DoD Component shall develop internal instructions that govern the submission and justification of requests to establish banking facilities on respective installations. The following information shall be included in requests to the DoD Component headquarters for banking facility establishment:

    (1) Justification for establishment of a banking facility as opposed to another type of banking office.

    (2) Such other supporting data as deemed necessary by the DoD Component concerned.

    b. Proposals received by installation commanders to establish an independent or branch bank or a savings association office shall be forwarded through channels to the DoD Component headquarters concerned, together with recommendations for acceptance or rejection.

    c. The DoD Component headquarters concerned shall evaluate each proposal to establish such offices and, if acceptable, recommend designation by the appropriate regulatory agency.

    (1) If there is no existing banking office on the installation and it is determined that one is needed, the DoD Component concerned shall solicit proposals from other nearby banking institutions before making a determination.

    (2) If a banking office other than a banking facility already is operating on the DoD installation, the provisions of § 230.5(a)(1) apply.

    (3) If the proposal offers to replace an existing banking facility with an independent or branch bank, the DoD Component concerned shall offer the banking institution currently operating the facility an opportunity to submit a proposal to convert the facility.

    (4) With respect to a proposed independent or branch bank, preference shall be given to the banking institution that has operated the banking facility, provided that prior banking service has been satisfactory and that the institution's proposal is deemed adequate.

    (5) DoD Component selections of banking facility operators shall be forwarded to the DC(MS) for coordination with the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

    3. Conversions of Domestic Banking Facilities to Independent or Branch Banks

    DoD Components shall encourage banking institutions that operate banking facilities to convert them to independent or branch banks, if consistent with State law. Proposals from a banking institution to convert an existing banking facility to an independent or branch bank shall be forwarded to the DoD Component headquarters concerned for its approval after coordination with the DC(MS) and Treasury Department.

    4. Domestic Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Service

    a. ATMs may be used to augment service provided by an on-base banking office.

    (1) An on-base banking facility may be authorized to site ATMs on the installation if it conforms to the requirements of paragraphs A.4.b. and A.4.c. Further approval by the Treasury Department is not required.

    (2) An on-base branch or independent bank may site ATMs on the installation after obtaining the approval of the appropriate regulatory agency, if required to do so by the regulations of that agency, and by conforming to the requirements of paragraphs A.4.b. and A.4.c.

    b. A banking institution proposing to augment on-base banking office service by installing one or more ATMs shall:

    (1) Coordinate the ATM proposal through the installation commander according to DoD Component regulations.

    (2) Provide a statement that the cost of ATM installation and maintenance shall be borne by the banking institution alone or in conjunction with other financial institutions.

    (3) Provide for access through debit and credit cards.

    c. Upon approval, appropriate leases shall be negotiated in accordance with this part.

    (1) No lease is needed to site an ATM within the existing banking office.

    (2) When a banking office requests up to 100 square feet of additional floor space in an existing structure, and the banking office agrees to bear all expenses for modifying the structure, a lease providing for nominal rental, i.e., $1.00 for the term of the lease shall be locally negotiated and approved. This lease provision also shall be offered if the banking office requests up to 250 square feet of land to construct, at its expense, a kiosk or other structure to house an ATM. In either case, the cost of any maintenance, utilities, and services provided by the installation shall be borne by the banking office.

    (3) Leases pertaining to other situations shall be negotiated in accordance with section C., of this appendix.

    5. Overseas Banking Facilities Operated under Contract

    a. In implementing this lnstruction, each DoD Component shall develop internal instructions governing the submission of requests justifying the need for banking facilities proposed for particular overseas installations. Upon favorable review by the DoD Component headquarters concerned, such requests shall be submitted to the DC(MS) with a recommendation for inclusion in the appropriate contract, subject to the following conditions.

    b. As a general rule, banking facilities may be established when the installation (community) population meets the following criteria:

    (1) Full-time banking facility. Except in unusual circumstances, a total of at least 1,000 permanent party military personnel and DoD civilian employees is necessary to qualify for a full-time banking facility.

    (2) Part-time banking facility. Except in unusual circumstances, a total of at least 250 permanent party military personnel and DoD civilian employees is necessary to qualify for a part-time banking facility.

    c. If the population at certain remote areas is not sufficient to qualify under the criteria for full- or part-time banking facilities, the installation (community) commander shall explore all other alternatives for acquiring limited banking services (such as check-cashing and accommodation exchange service by disbursing officers and their agents) before requesting establishment of a banking facility as an exception to these provisions.

    d. The data used to justify establishment of overseas banking facilities shall include but not be limited to:

    (1) The approximate number of DoD personnel at the installation and any other persons who may be authorized to use the banking facility.

    (2) The distances between the installation and the nearest banking facility and credit union offices, the operators of those institutions, and the installations (military communities) at which they are located.

    (3) The availability of official and public transportation between the installation and the nearest banking facility and credit union office.

    (4) The approximate loss of duty time as a result of DoD personnel leaving the installation to obtain banking services.

    (5) The number of DoD personnel in duty assignments that confine them to the installation or who cannot obtain transportation (such as hospital patients).

    (6) Source(s) from which the military disbursing officer presently obtains operating and payroll cash, the frequency of these cash acquisitions, and the approximate dollar value obtained monthly.

    (7) The name and location of the depositary now being used by the military disbursing officer to make official deposits for credit to the U.S. Treasury's General Account.

    (8) The estimated savings to the military disbursing officer if a banking facility is established on the installation.

    (9) A list of organizational and nonappropriated fund accounts, the name(s) and location(s) of the banking institution where presently deposited, and the average daily activity and balance of each account.

    (10) A written description and photographs or drawings of the space proposed for banking facility use. The extent and approximate cost of required alterations, including the construction of counters and teller cages, shall be included.

    (11) A statement detailing the requirements of the proposed banking facility for safes, a vault, or both appropriate alarm systems and camera surveillance equipment, where deemed necessary. The statement shall include the costs of such equipment and the manner in which it will be acquired.

    (12) In countries without U.S. contractor-operated banking facilities, a statement as required by § 230.4(e)(1).

    e. Establishment of an overseas banking facility is predicated upon:

    (1) Designation of the facility contractor as a depositary and financial agent of the U.S. Government by the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

    (2) The availability of proposed banking contractors able and willing to bid for the operation of the facility, and the reasonableness of such proposals.

    (3) The availability of appropriated funds to underwrite such banking services.

    6. Other Overseas Banking Offices

    The banking and currency control laws of certain host countries do not permit U.S. banking institutions to operate banking facilities on DoD installations.

    a. Commanders of installations (communities) in such countries where there is a demonstrated need for additional banking service and the population meets the criterion in paragraph A.5.b., shall forward requests for banking services, or unsolicited proposals from local banks, through command channels with supporting data as required in paragraph A.5.d., of this appendix.

    b. If the DoD Component concerned concurs in the request, it shall be forwarded to the DC(MS) for approval and coordination with the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for designation of the parent banking institution as a depositary and financial agent of the U.S. Government.

    c. Overseas banking facilities shall become operational only after Treasury designation of the parent banking institution and an indication of the institution's willingness and ability to provide collateral backing for any official and nonappropriated fund U.S. dollar deposits in a form acceptable to the DC(MS) and the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

    B. Support of On-Base Banking Offices 1. General

    DoD Component regulations that implement this Instruction shall provide for installation support to all on-base banking offices, including:

    a. Military or civilian guards (the latter to be used within the installation only), military police, or other protective services to accompany shipments of money from the parent banking institution or other source when such monies are primarily for use by the military disbursing officer, on paydays, and when required to avoid undue risks or insurance costs on the part of the on-base banking office. In this regard, overall security precautions normally present shall be considered.

    b. Central locator service, under conditions identified in enclosure 3 of DoD Directive 1000.11, when requested by on-base banking offices. This service shall be provided at no cost in accordance with DoD Instruction 7230.7.

    c. Debt processing assistance in accordance with DoD Directive 1344.9, as limited by the Privacy Act guidelines set forth in enclosure 3 of DoD Directive 1000.11. If delinquent loans or dishonored checks are not recouped within 48 hours, banking institutions operating on DoD installations may bring them to the attention of the local commander, bank liaison officer, or other designee for assistance in effecting restitution of the amount due, if not otherwise prohibited by law.

    d. Clearance procedures for military personnel departing their installations that provide the on-base banking office with adequate notice of its customers’ impending departure. Clearance involves reporting a change of address, reaffirming allotments or notes payable, and arranging for counseling, if appropriate. Clearance shall not be denied to facilitate the collection of debts or the resolution of disputes between the financial institution and its departing customers. Where administratively feasible, similar clearance procedures shall be used for departing DoD civilian personnel.

    e. Prohibition of traveler's check and money order sales by organizations other than the on-base banking office, post office, and credit union during times when the banking office is open for business.

    2. Domestic Nonself-Sustaining Banking Offices

    When a DoD Component determines that a banking office has nonself-sustaining status, it may furnish logistic support without charge, as provided in paragraph B.2.d.

    a. Through no-cost permits or licenses, a nonself-sustaining banking office may be provided space on a DoD installation at one or more locations for up to 5 years, as prescribed in DoD Directive 4l65.6. The cumulative total of space authorized for one or more locations is subject to the limitations contained in MIL-HDBK-1190.

    b. All space assigned by the GSA, whether leased or in Federal office buildings, is reimbursable to the GSA at the current GSA rental rates under Public Law 92-313. Consequently, the GSA shall charge the benefiting DoD Component for any GSA space assigned for banking office operations.

    c. In those exceptional cases when a nonself-sustaining banking office is authorized to construct its own building or use its funds to expand, modify, or renovate Government-owned space, a no-cost permit or license may be provided. Duration of the permit or license shall be commensurate with the extent of the improvements as determined by the DoD Component concerned. It shall be effective until the agreed date of expiration or until the banking office is determined to be self-sustaining, whichever occurs first. The provisions of section C. in this appendix apply in the latter case.

    d. The term “logistic support” shall include:

    (1) Customer and work areas, in accordance with MIL-HDBK-1190 (reference (i)). It is important that the banking office be housed in a building accessible to most DoD personnel on the installation, in a location permitting maximum security.

    (2) Steel bars, grillwork, security doors, a vault or safe (or both), burglar alarm system, other security features normally used by banking institutions, construction of counters and teller cages, and other necessary modifications and alterations to existing buildings subject to the procedures and fiscal limits in DoD Directive 4270.24.

    (3) Utilities, custodial and janitorial services, and intrastation telephone service. The banking office shall pay costs for long-distance toll calls, however.

    (4) Air-conditioning, which is considered a normal utility for banking offices located on installations qualifying for air-conditioning under DoD Component regulations. Banking space is classified as administrative space on DoD installations.

    (5) When available from local stock, lease of the following at nominal cost; i.e., $1.00 per year, under authority of 10 U.S.C. 2667: typewriters, adding machines, other office equipment, and office furniture.

    e. All maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, alterations, or construction for on-base banking offices shall comply with DoD Instruction 4165.64.

    f. Upon determination that a banking office has become self-sustaining, its no-cost lease or permit shall be canceled and a lease negotiated in accordance with section C., of this appendix.

    3. Additional Support in Overseas Areas

    a. Banking facilities operated under contract. In addition to the logistic support identified in paragraph B.2.d., the following shall be made available to banking facilities operating under DoD contract at overseas installations:

    (1) U.S. Military Postal Service under DoD Directive 4525.6. Use of the free intra-theater delivery system (IDS) is authorized for all routine mail sent and received between Army Post Offices (APOs) and Fleet Post Offices (FPOs) within a theater.

    (2) Access to DoD voice and data telecommunication systems as granted by the Defense Communications Agency on a case-by-case basis.

    (3) Certificates of nonavailability, if required by the designated property administrator, when items of office equipment or furniture requested by the banking facility are unavailable for loan on memorandum receipt.

    (4) Vehicle registration and purchase of fuel from Government-owned facilities for bank-operated vehicles if not in conflict with host-country agreements. Vehicle registrations shall be subject to normal fees.

    (5) DoD housing on a rental basis to key banking facility personnel unable to find suitable, reasonably priced housing in the vicinity of the DoD installation, subject to the assignment procedures and other requirements of DoD 4165.63-M.

    (6) Travel of U.S.-based banking institution officials to their overseas on-base offices as set forth in DoD Directive 4000.6. Invitational travel orders that authorize travel at no expense to the U.S. Government may be issued by the local commander for official onsite visits.

    (7) Other support as required under the terms and conditions established during annual contract negotiations and confirmed in respective contracts. Suggestions for change may be forwarded through military channels to the DC(MS).

    b. Other overseas banking offices. (1) Logistic support shall be negotiated with the parent banking institution and the resulting provisions incorporated into written operating agreements.

    (2) Logistic support should not exceed that provided to banking offices in the United States. Whenever possible, parent banking institutions shall reimburse the DoD Component concerned for logistic support.

    C. Leases of Government Real Property 1. Government-Owned Buildings

    The lease of an existing structure to house a self-sustaining banking office shall be at appraised fair market rental value under the following terms and considerations:

    a. The lease term shall not exceed 5 years, subject to renewal by mutual agreement, with the head of the DoD Component concerned reserving the right to terminate the lease under conditions specified in paragraph C.2.a., of this appendix. The banking institution shall reimburse the DoD Component concerned for GSA-assigned space at the current GSA rental rates.

    b. When the banking institution uses its own funds to modify or renovate Government building space, a lease may be negotiated for a period not to exceed 25 years. Duration of the lease shall be commensurate with the extent of the improvements as determined by the DoD Component concerned.

    c. The lessee shall perform any required interior alteration and maintenance and shall pay for utilities and custodial, janitorial, and other services furnished.

    2. Government-Owned Land

    a. Except as provided in paragraph B.2.c. of this appendix land required for approved building construction at bank expense shall be made available by real estate lease, at minimal charge; e.g., $1.00 per year. Once determined, the charges shall be applicable for the term of the lease.

    b. When a banking institution participates in the construction of a complex, such as an installation shopping mall, it shall be provided a lease covering only underlying land for the specific space to be occupied by the banking office.

    c. If determined, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2667, to be in the Government's interest, an existing lease of land may be extended before expiration of its term. Passage of title to facilities shall be deferred until all extensions have expired. Such extensions shall be for periods not to exceed 5 years. The banking institution shall continue to maintain the premises and pay for utilities and services furnished in accordance with DoD Instruction 7230.7.

    d. Once determined, the rental charge under any lease granted at fair market value is applicable for the term of the lease. However, an extension of any such existing lease may provide for nominal rental, i.e., $1.00 for the term of the lease extension.

    e. When, under the terms of a lease, title to improvements passes to the Government, arrangements shall normally be made:

    (1) By no-cost permit or license for the continued occupancy of those improvements by a nonself-sustaining banking office if it continues to be nonself-sustaining. When the square footage involved exceeds that authorized in MIL-HDBK-1190, the banking office shall be given first choice to continue occupying the excess space under a lease that provides for nominal rental for the land underlying that excess space; or

    (2) By lease for continued occupancy of those improvements by a self-sustaining banking office at nominal rental only for the land associated therewith. The lessee shall continue to maintain the premises and pay the cost of utilities and services furnished, in accordance with DoD Instruction 7230.7.

    3. Other Lease Considerations

    a. The term of a lease may exceed 5 years only when a Military Department Secretary, or designee, determines that such an extended term will promote the national defense or be in the public interest, under 10 U.S.C 2667(b)(1).

    b. Leases shall include the provision that, in the event of national emergency or the following events, at the option of the Government, structures and other improvements erected thereon shall be conveyed to the Government without reimbursement or removed and the land restored to its original condition:

    (1) Installation inactivation, closing, or other disposal action;


    (2) Termination of the banking institution's lease under § 230.5(i) of this part.

    c. Leases executed before this part takes effect shall not be altered unless a lessee specifically requests a renegotiation under these provisions. No lease contract may be negotiated or renegotiated, nor may any rights thereunder be waived or surrendered, without compensation to the Government, except as provided in § 230.5(h).

    D. Construction of Bank Buildings

    Banking institution proposals to finance construction of buildings on domestic DoD installations must be processed in accordance with DoD Instruction 7700.18. In support of each construction proposal, the banking institution shall provide written assurance that:

    1. Management understands its potential loss of the building in the event of installation closure or other delimiting condition identified in paragraph C.3.b., of this appendix.

    2. The proposed building shall serve only the needs of the banking office and shall not be used to house other activities.

    3. Management accepts financial responsibility for and shall reimburse the U.S. Government for all costs of construction and maintenance, utilities, and other services furnished. Rates shall be established under DoD Directive 4000.6 and confirmed by a written agreement between the DoD installation and the banking institution.

    E. Banking Office Termination 1. Domestic Banking Facilities

    a. The installation commander shall notify the DoD Component headquarters concerned when a banking facility has been placed in an inactive status and when personnel reductions at the DoD installation have reduced banking facility operations to below a justifiable level. The DoD Component shall advise the DC(MS) and the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury so that the banking institution's authority to operate the banking facility may be terminated.

    b. In general, the parent banking institution may close a banking facility after sending written notification to the Treasury Department and the installation commander not less than 90 days before the closing date. The Treasury Department shall then terminate the banking institution's authority to operate the banking facility, and the DoD Component concerned shall determine the feasibility of requesting another banking institution to operate at the installation.

    2. Other Domestic Banking Offices

    a. Requests for termination for cause shall be processed in accordance with § 230.5(i)(2).

    b. Banking offices other than banking facilities may be terminated by the parent banking institution provided written notice is furnished to the installation commander not less than 90 days before the closing date.

    3. Overseas Banking Facilities Operated Under Contract

    a. The installation (community) commander shall, through DoD Component channels, notify the DC(MS) when personnel reductions or other situations at the DoD installation (military community) have reduced banking facility activity to below a level justifying continued operation.

    b. Such notifications shall indicate whether a part-time facility should be established and the number of hours and days per week that such an operation is justified.

    4. Other Overseas Banking Offices.

    Terminations shall be effected under termination clauses in respective operating agreements. Notice of intent to terminate, including the closing date, shall be forwarded by the overseas component commander in accordance with DoD Component implementing instructions. The DoD Component shall so notify the DC(MS) and Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury so that the banking institution's authority as a depositary and financial agent of the U.S. Government may be revoked.

    F. Notification of Banking Offices

    Each DoD Component shall ensure that every banking institution with an office at its installations receives a copy of the document that implements this Instruction and DoD Directive 1000.11.