Enclosure 3 - Formal Written Request for Access Format  

Latest version.
  • [Official Letterhead] Mr./Mrs. ______, President (as appropriate), City National Bank and Trust Company, Altoona, PA

    Dear Mr./Mrs. ______. In connection with a legitimate law enforcement inquiry and pursuant to section 3402(5) and section 3408 of the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978, 12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq., and [cite Component's implementation of this part], you are requested to provide the following account information pertaining to the subject:

    [Describe the specific records to be examined]

    The [DoD Component] is without authority to issue an administrative summons or subpoena for access to these financial rec-ords which are required for [Describe the nature or purpose of the inquiry].

    A copy of this request was [personally served upon or mailed] to the subject on [Date] who has [10 or 14] days in which to challenge this request by filing an application in an appropriate United States district court if the subject desires to do so.

    Upon the expiration of the above mentioned time period and absent any filing or challenge by the subject, you will be furnished a certification certifying in writing that the applicable provisions of the Act have been complied with prior to obtaining the requested records. Upon your receipt of a Certificate of Compliance with the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978, you will be relieved of any possible liability to the subject in connection with the disclosure of the requested financial records.

    [Official Signature Block]