Appendix A to Part 282 - Guidance  

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  • Appendix A to Part 282 - Guidance

    (a) Submitting a claim. The procedures a claimant must follow to submit a claim are at Appendix C to this part.

    (b) Processing a claim. The procedures a DoD Component must follow in processing a claim are at Appendix D to this part.[1]

    (c) Appeals. The procedures for appealing initial determinations are at Appendix E to this part.

    (d) Disposition of claims upon settlement in general.

    (1) The appropriate official for the Component concerned shall pay a claim in accordance with the final action concerning the claim.

    (2) Where state law requires, a committee must be appointed for a minor or incompetent person in accordance with State law before payment may be made.

    (e) Requests for an advance decision. Procedures for requesting an advance decision under 31 U.S.C. 3529 concerning the propriety of a payment or voucher certification related to claims addressed in this part are at Appendix F to this part.

    (f) Publication. In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552, the Director, DOHA, or designee, shall make redacted copies of responses to requests for reconsideration and advance decisions by the GC, DoD, or designee, available for public inspection and copying at DOHA's public reading room and on the worldwide web.