Appendix A to Part 343 - Delegations of Authority

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, and subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense, and in accordance with DoD policies, Directives, and Instructions, the USD(P&R) is hereby delegated authority to:

    (a) Act for the Secretary of Defense in conducting a review of the military compensation system.

    (b) Issue DoD issuances pertaining to the management of commissioned officers that are required to be issued by the Secretary of Defense under pertinent sections of 10 U.S.C., including those added by Public Law 96-513, “Defense Officer Personnel Management Act,” December 12, 1980, as amended by Public Law 77-22, “Defense Office Personnel Management Act Technical Corrections Act,” July 10, 1981, except when such delegation is specifically prohibited.

    (c) Act for the Secretary of Defense to approve or disapprove recommendations for the Secretary of Defense Award for Productivity Excellence.

    (d) Act for the Secretary of Defense to review and approve procedures established by the Secretaries of the Military Departments for the correction of military records under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 1552.

    The USD(P&R) may redelegate these authorities, as appropriate, and in writing, except as otherwise provided by law or regulations. These delegations of authority are effective March 29, 1994.