Appendix B to Part 505 - Denial Authorities for Records Under Their Authority (Formerly Access and Amendment Refusal Authorities)  

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  • Appendix B to Part 505 - Denial Authorities for Records Under Their Authority (Formerly Access and Amendment Refusal Authorities)

    (a) The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army is authorized to act for the Secretary of the Army on requests for all records maintained by the Office of the Secretary of the Army and its serviced activities, as well as requests requiring the personal attention of the Secretary of the Army. This also includes civilian Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) actions. (See DCS, G-1 for Military Equal Opportunity (EO) actions.) The Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army has delegated this authority to the Chief Attorney, OAASA (See DCS, G1 for Military Equal Opportunity (EO) actions).

    (b) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) is authorized to act on requests for finance and accounting records. Requests for CONUS finance and accounting records should be referred to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). The Chief Attorney, OAASA, acts on requests for non-finance and accounting records of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller).

    (c) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, & Technology) is authorized to act on requests for procurement records other than those under the purview of the Chief of Engineers and the Commander, U.S. Army Materiel Command. The Chief Attorney, OAASA, acts on requests for non-procurement records of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology).

    (d) The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civilian Personnel Policy)/Director of Civilian Personnel, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) is authorized to act on requests for civilian personnel records, personnel administration and other civilian personnel matters, except for EEO (civilian) matters which will be acted on by the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civilian Personnel Policy)/Director of Civilian Personnel has delegated this authority to the Chief, Policy and Program Development Division (Note: Requests from former civilian employees to amend a record in an Office of Personnel Management system of records, such as the Official Personnel Folder, should be sent to the Office of Personnel Management, Assistant Director for Workforce Information, Compliance, and Investigations Group: 1900 E. Street, NW., Washington, DC 20415-0001).

    (e) The Chief Information Officer G-6 is authorized to act on requests for records pertaining to Army Information Technology, command, control communications and computer systems and the Information Resources Management Program (automation, telecommunications, visual information, records management, publications and printing).

    (f) The Inspector General is authorized to act on requests for all Inspector General Records.

    (g) The Auditor General is authorized to act on requests for records relating to audits done by the U.S. Army Audit Agency under AR 10-2. This includes requests for related records developed by the Audit Agency.

    (h) The Director of the Army Staff is authorized to act on requests for all records of the Chief of Staff and its Field Operating Agencies. The Director of the Army Staff has delegated this authority to the Chief Attorney and Legal Services Directorate, U.S. Army Resources & Programs Agency (See The Judge Advocate General for the General Officer Management Office actions). The Chief Attorney and Legal Services Director, U.S. Army Resources & Programs Agency acts on requests for records of the Chief of Staff and its Field Operating Agencies (See The Judge Advocate General for the General Officer Management Office actions).

    (i) The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 is authorized to act on requests for records relating to International Affairs policy, planning, integration and assessments, strategy formulation, force development, individual and unit training policy, strategic and tactical command and control systems, nuclear and chemical matters, use of DA forces.

    (j) The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8 is authorized to act on requests for records relating to programming, material integration and externally directed reviews.

    (k) The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 is authorized to act on the following records: Personnel board records, Equal Opportunity (military) and sexual harassment, health promotions, physical fitness and well-being, command and leadership policy records, HIV and suicide policy, substance abuse programs except for individual treatment records which are the responsibility of the Surgeon General, retiree benefits, services, and programs (excluding individual personnel records of retired military personnel, which are the responsibility of the U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis), DA dealings with Veterans Affairs, U.S. Soldier's and Airmen's Home; all retention, promotion, and separation records; all military education records including records related to the removal or suspension from a military school or class; Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) and Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (SROTC) records; SROTC instructor records; U.S. Military Academy Cadet Records; recruiting and MOS policy issues, personnel travel and transportation entitlements, military strength and statistics, The Army Librarian, demographics, and Manprint.

    (l) The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4 is authorized to act on requests for records relating to DA logistical requirements and determinations, policy concerning materiel maintenance and use, equipment standards, and logistical readiness.

    (m) The Chief of Engineers is authorized to act on requests for records involving civil works, military construction, engineer procurement, and ecology; and the records of the U.S. Army Engineer divisions, districts, laboratories, and field operating agencies.

    (n) The Surgeon General/Commander, U.S. Army Medical Command, is authorized to act on requests for medical research and development records, and the medical records of active duty military personnel, dependents, and persons given physical examination or treatment at DA medical facilities, to include alcohol and drug treatment/test records.

    (o) The Chief of Chaplains is authorized to act on requests for records involving ecclesiastical relationships, rites performed by DA chaplains, and nonprivileged communications relating to clergy and active duty chaplains' military personnel files.

    (p) The Judge Advocate General is authorized to act on requests for records relating to claims, courts-martial, legal services, administrative

    (q) The Chief, National Guard Bureau, is authorized to act on requests for all personnel and medical records of retired, separated, discharged, deceased, and active Army National Guard military personnel, including technician personnel, unless such records clearly fall within another Denial Authority's responsibility. This authority includes, but is not limited to, National Guard organization and training files; plans, operations, and readiness files, policy files, historical files, files relating to National Guard military support, drug interdiction, and civil disturbances; construction, civil works, and ecology records dealing with armories, facilities within the States, ranges, etc.; Equal Opportunity investigative records; aviation program records and financial records dealing with personnel, operation and maintenance, and equipment budgets.

    (r) The Chief, Army Reserve and Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Command are authorized to act on requests for all personnel and medical records of retired, separated, discharged, deceased, and reserve component military personnel, and all U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) records, unless such records clearly fall within another Denial Authority's responsibility. Records under the responsibility of the Chief, Army Reserve and the Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Command include records relating to USAR plans, policies, and operations; changes in the organizational status of USAR units; mobilization and demobilization policies, active duty tours, and the Individual Mobilization Augmentation program; and all other Office of the Chief, Army Reserve (OCAR) records and Headquarters, U.S. Army Reserve Command records.

    (s) The Commander, United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) is authorized to act on requests for the records of AMC headquarters and to subordinate commands, units, and activities that relate to procurement, logistics, research and development, and supply and maintenance operations.

    (t) The Provost Marshal General is authorized to act on all requests for provost marshal activities and law enforcement functions for the Army, all matters relating to police intelligence, physical security, criminal investigations, corrections and internment (to include confinement and correctional programs for U.S. prisoners, criminal investigations, provost marshal activities, and military police support. The Provost Marshal General is responsible for the Office of Security, Force Protection, and Law Enforcement Division and is the functional proponent for AR 190-series (Military Police) and 195-series (Criminal Investigation), AR 630-10 Absent Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings, and AR 633-30, Military Sentences to Confinement.

    (u) The Commander, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, is authorized to act on requests for criminal investigative records of USACIDC headquarters, and its subordinate activities, and military police reports. This includes criminal investigation records, investigation-in-progress records, and all military police records and reports that result in criminal investigation reports. This authority has been delegated to the Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center.

    (v) The Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, is authorized to act on requests for military personnel files relating to active duty personnel including, but not limited to military personnel matters, military education records including records related to the removal or suspension from a military school or class; personnel locator, physical disability determinations, and other military personnel administration records; records relating to military casualty and memorialization activities; heraldic activities, voting, records relating to identification cards, naturalization and citizenship, commercial solicitation, Military Postal Service Agency and Army postal and unofficial mail service. The Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, is also authorized to act on requests concerning all personnel and medical records of retired, separated, discharged, deceased, and reserve component military personnel, unless such records clearly fall within another Denial Authority's authority.

    (w) The Commander, U.S. Army Resources Command-St. Louis has been delegated authority to act on behalf of the U.S. Army Human Resources Commander for requests concerning all personnel and medical records of retired, separated, discharged, deceased, and reserve component military personnel, unless such records clearly fall within another Denial Authority's authority. The authority does not include records relating to USAR plans, policies, and operations; changes in the organizational status of USAR units, mobilization and demobilization policies; active duty tours, and the individual mobilization augmentation program.

    (x) The Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management is authorized to act on requests for records relating to planning, programming, execution and operation of Army installations. This includes base realignment and closure activities, environmental activities other than litigation, facilities and housing activities, and installation management support activities.

    (y) The Commander, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, is authorized to act on requests for intelligence and security records, foreign scientific and technological records, intelligence training, intelligence threat assessments, and foreign liaison information, mapping and geodesy information, ground surveillance records, intelligence threat assessment, and missile intelligence data relating to tactical land warfare systems.

    (z) The Commander, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center (formerly U.S. Army Safety Center), is authorized to act on requests for Army safety records.

    (aa) The Commander, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), is authorized to act on requests for the records of ATEC headquarters, its subordinate commands, units, and activities that relate to test and evaluation operations.

    (bb) The General Counsel, Army and Air Force Exchange Service, is authorized to act on requests for Army and Air Force Exchange Service records, under AR 60-20/AFR 147-14.

    (cc) The Commandant, United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) is authorized to act on records pertaining to USDB functional area responsibilities relating to the administration and confinement of individual military prisoners at the USDB. This includes, but is not limited to, all records pertaining to the treatment of military prisoners; investigation of prisoner misconduct; management, operation, and administration of the USDB confinement facility; and related programs which fall directly within the scope of the Commandant's functional area of command and control.

    (dd) The Commander, U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center (USACFSC) is authorized to act on requests for records pertaining to morale, welfare, recreation, and entertainment programs; community and family action programs; child development centers; non-appropriated funds issues, and private organizations on Army installations.

    (ee) The Commander, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (formerly Military Traffic Management Command) is authorized to act on requests for records pertaining to military and commercial transportation and traffic management records.

    (ff) The Director, Installation Management Agency (IMA) is authorized to act on requests for all IMA records.

    (gg) Special Denial Authority's authority for time-event related records may be designated on a case-by-case basis. These will be published in the Federal Register. You may contact the Department of the Army, Freedom of Information and Privacy Office to obtain current information on special delegations.