Appendix D - Other Reason Categories  

Latest version.
  • 1. Transferred Requests. This category applies when responsibility for making a determination or a decision on categories 2, 3, or 4 below is shifted from one Component to another, or to another Federal Agency.

    2. Lack of Records. This category covers those situations wherein the requester is advised the DoD Component has no record or has no statutory obligation to create a record.

    3. Failure of Requester to Reasonably Describe Record[EH]. This category is specifically based on section 552(a)(3)(a) of the FOIA (reference (a)).

    4. Other Failures by Requesters to Comply with Published Rules or Directives. This category is based on section 5529a)(3)(b) of the FOIA (reference (a)) and includes instances of failure to follow published rules concerning time, place, fees, and procedures.

    5. Request Withdrawn by Requester. This category covers those situations wherein the requester asks an agency to disregard the request (or appeal) or pursues the request outside FOIA channels.

    6. Not an Agency Record. This category covers situations where the information requested is not an agency record within the meaning of the FOIA and this regulation.