Appendix H to Part 623 - References

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  • Appendix H to Part 623 - References

    AR 1-4 Deployment of DA Resources in Support of the US Secret Service.

    AR 15-17 Army Representation on Office of Preparedness; General Service Administration (OP/GSA) Regional Field Boards in Crisis Management Operations.

    AR 28-19 Department of the Army Domestic Action Program.

    AR 34-1 United States Army Participation in International Military Rationalization/Standardization/Interoperability (RSI) Programs.

    AR 37-27 Accounting Policy and Procedures for Intragovernment, Intradefense; and Intra-Army Transactions.

    AR 37-44 Accounting Procedures for Guaranteed Loans.

    AR 37-48 Accounting and Reporting for Materiel, Services, and Facilities Furnished Allied Governments and International Organizations Under Emergency or Combat Conditions.

    AR 37-60 Pricing for Materiel and Services.

    AR 37-111 Working Capital Funds - Army Stock Fund; Uniform Policies, Principles, and Procedures Governing Army Stock Fund Operations.

    AR 58-1 Management acquisition and use of administration use motor vehicles.

    AR 130-44 Logistical Policies for Support.

    AR 190-11 Physical Security of Weapons, Ammunition, and Explosives.

    AR 190-49 Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives In-Transit.

    AR 210-55 Funding Support for Morale, Welfare and Recreational Programs, and Facilities.

    AR 230-1 The Nonappropriated Fund System.

    AR 350-7 Training and Evaluation of Forces for Civil Disturbances.

    AR 360-61 Army Information - Community Relations.

    AR 500-1 Aircraft Piracy Emergencies.

    AR 500-2 Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations.

    AR 500-50 Civil Disturbances.

    AR 500-60 Disaster Relief.

    AR 500-70 Military Support of Civil Defense.

    AR 525-90 Wartime Search and Rescue (SAR) Procedures.

    AR 700-32 Logistic Support of US Nongovernmental, Nonmilitary Agencies, and Individuals in Oversea Military Commands.

    AR 700-49 Loan of DSA Stock Fund Materiel.

    AR 700-83 Army Support of United Seamen's Service.

    AR 710-1 Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System.

    AR 710-2 Materiel Management for Using Units, Support Units, and Installations.

    AR 725-1 Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment - Special Authorization and Procedures for Issues, Sales, and Loans.

    AR 725-50 Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System.

    AR 735-5 Property Accountability - General Principles, Policies, and Basic Procedures.

    AR 735-11 Accounting for Lost, Damaged, and Destroyed Property.

    AR 795-25 Policies, Responsibilities, and Principles for Supply Support Arrangements.

    AR 795-204 Policies and Procedures for Furnishing Defense Articles and Services on a Sale or Loan Basis.

    AR 870-15 Historical Activities, Army Art Collection.

    AR 870-20 Historical Activities, Historical Properties and Museums.

    AR 920-15 National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Office of Director of Civilian Marksmanship.

    AR 920-20 Civilian Marksmanship - Promotion of Practice with Rifled Arms.

    AR 920-25 Rifles M14M and M14N for Civilian Marksmanship Use.

    AR 930-5 Service Organizations - American National Red Cross Service Program and Army Utilization.

    FM 20-150 Combatives.

    MOU, 25 Apr 75, between DOD and Department of Agriculture and the Interior.

    MOU, 24 Jun 75, between DOD and the American National Red Cross for Military Support.