Appendix B to Part 806b - Preparing a System Notice  

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  • Appendix B to Part 806b - Preparing a System Notice

    The following elements comprise a system of records notice for publication in the Federal Register:

    System identifier: Air Force Chief Information Officer/P assigns the notice number, for example, F033 AF PC A, where “F” indicates “Air Force,” the next number represents the publication series number related to the subject matter, and the final letter group shows the system manager's command or Deputy Chief of Staff. The last character “A” indicates that this is the first notice for this series and system manager.

    System name: Use a short, specific, plain-language title that identifies the system's general purpose (limited to 55 characters).

    System location: Specify the address of the primary system and any decentralized elements, including automated data systems with a central computer facility and input or output terminals at separate locations. Use street address, 2-letter state abbreviations and 9-digit ZIP Codes. Spell out office names. Do not use office symbols.

    Categories of individuals covered by the system: Use nontechnical, specific categories of individuals about whom the Air Force keeps records. Do not use categories like “all Air Force personnel” unless they are actually true.

    Categories of records in the system: Describe in clear, plain language, all categories of records in the system. List only documents actually kept in the system. Do not show source documents that are used to collect data and then destroyed. Do not list form numbers.

    Authority for maintenance of the system: Cite the specific law or Executive Order that authorizes the program the records support. Cite the DoD directive/instruction or Air Force instruction(s) that authorizes the system of records. Always include titles with the citations.


    Executive Order 9397 authorizes using the Social Security Number as a personal identifier. Include this authority whenever the Social Security Number is used to retrieve records.

    Purpose: Describe briefly and specifically what the Air Force does with the information collected.

    Routine uses of records maintained in the system including categories of users and the purpose of such uses: List each specific agency or activity outside DoD to whom the records may be released and the purpose for such release.

    The DoD ‘Blanket Routine Uses’ published in the Air Force Directory of System Notices apply to all system notices unless you indicate otherwise.

    Polices and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:

    Storage: State the medium in which the Air Force keeps the records; for example, in file folders, card files, microfiche, computer, or a combination of those methods. Storage does not refer to the storage container.

    Retrievability: State how the Air Force retrieves the records; for example, by name, Social Security Number, or personal characteristics (such as fingerprints or voiceprints).

    Safeguards: List the kinds of officials who have immediate access to the system. List those responsible for safeguarding the records. Identify the system safeguards; for example, storage in safes, vaults, locked cabinets or rooms, use of guards, visitor controls, personnel screening, computer systems software, and so on. Describe safeguards fully without compromising system security.

    Retention and disposal: State how long Air Force Manual 37-139 requires the activity to maintain the record. Indicate when or if the records may be transferred to a Federal Records Center and how long the record stays there. Specify when the Records Center sends the record to the National Archives or destroys it. Indicate how the records may be destroyed.

    System manager(s) and address: List the position title and duty address of the system manager. For decentralized systems, show the locations and the position or duty title of each category of officials responsible for any segment of the system.

    Notification procedure: List the title and duty address of the official authorized to tell requesters if their records are in the system. Specify the information a requester must submit; for example, full name, military status, Social Security Number, date of birth, or proof of identity, and so on.

    Record access procedures: Explain how individuals may arrange to access their records. Include the titles or categories of officials who may assist; for example, the system manager.

    Contesting records procedures: Air Force Chief Information Officer/P provides this standard caption.

    Record source categories: Show categories of individuals or other information sources for the system.

    Exemptions claimed for the system: When a system has no approved exemption, write “none” under this heading. Specifically list any approved exemption including the subsection in the Act.