§ 102.6 - Procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Selected Reserve—(1) IDT. Except as specifically provided in paragraph (b) of this section, members of the Ready Reserve shall participate in 48 scheduled training periods each year. By DoD policy, that requirement applies to all members of Selected Reserve units (10 U.S.C. 270(a)(1) and 32 U.S.C. 502).

    (2) AT. Except as specifically provided in paragraph (b) of this section, AT is required for all members of the Ready Reserve. By DoD policy, that requirement is limited to members of the Selected Reserve. For members of the Reserves, that training shall be for not less than 14 days (exclusive of travel time) each year except, as in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Units of the National Guard are required to perform full-time military training for at least 15 days each year, including travel time.

    (i) AT tours for individual mobilization augmentees (IMAs) or other Reservists assigned as an individual to any training categories ordered to AT at Headquarters, support organizations, or to activities not operating on Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holidays, normally are limited by DoD policy to 12 days excluding travel time; i.e., from Monday of the first week through Friday of the second week.

    (ii) When required, members may be ordered to AT for longer periods than 12 days (excluding travel time), up to a maximum of 30 days each FY, for activities that enhance readiness, such as participating in mobilization exercises. Training may begin on days other than Monday, when special activities begin during the week.

    (iii) AT normally is performed during one consecutive period. Split tours may be authorized for selected units or individuals, if required to meet training missions. Any additional costs must be justified fully. Authorization for variations in AT lengths shall be managed IAW DoD Directives established by the Secretaries concerned.

    (3) Short Periods of AD Performed by Members of the Selected Reserve. Under 10 U.S.C. 672(d), 673, 673b, 3500, or 8500, that AD may not be substituted for training required by 10 U.S.C. 270 and by paragraph (a)(2) of this section, unless in the judgement of the Secretary concerned:

    (i) AD service performed under 10 U.S.C. 672(d), 673, 673b, 3500, or 8500 is equivalent to the training that might have been performed under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 270 and paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

    (ii) AD service under 10 U.S.C. 672(d), 673, 673b, 3500, or 8500, when combined with training required by 10 U.S.C. 270 and paragraph (a)(2) of this section constitutes an undue personal hardship.

    (4) NPS Personnel. (i) Those personnel enlisted directly into an Armed Force who have not completed the basic training (IADT) requirements of that Armed Force. During war, the period of required basic training (or its equivalent) may not be less than 12 weeks. Exceptions for personnel with civilian-acquired skills may be authorized, as specified in the implementing regulations of the Military Departments.

    (ii) The Secretaries concerned may require members enlisted for service in the Selected Reserve to participate in IDT periods before completing IADT. Those training periods may be with or without pay.

    (iii) IADT, which includes basic military training and technical skill training, is required for all enlisted accessions. For NPS male enlistees who are between ages of 181/2 and 26 years, that IADT shall be for a period of not less than 12 weeks to commence, insofar as practical, within 270 days after the date of enlistment. For all other enlistees and inductees, IADT shall be for a period prescribed by the Secretary concerned to commence, insofar as practical, within 360 days after entry into Service, except that, during war or national emergency declared by Congress or the President, the period of basic training (or its equivalent) shall be for a period of not less than 12 weeks. Individuals receiving stipends under the AFHP Stipend Program for Reserve Service are not required to participate in Ready Reserve training, until they have completed their educational training (10 U.S.C. 511(b), 511(d), 671(b), and 2128).

    (iv) Individual Reservists are exempt from participating in AT or ADT during the last 120 days before completing their Military Service obligation (MSO) if they have served on AD for 1 year, or longer. (See 10 U.S.C. 270(a)).

    (b) IRR—(1) IRR Screening. Members of the IRR, not scheduled for mandatory or voluntary training, are required to serve at least 1 day of MD or AD each year to accomplish annual screening requirements IAW 10 U.S.C. 271(a), 275(a), 652, and 1004. Exemptions from IRR screening during 1 FY are authorized for members who served on AD during the FY; who are scheduled for discharge from the Military Service during the FY; who reside outside geographical limitations established by the Secretaries of the Military Departments; who are in the grade of O-4, or higher, and have no remaining MSO; or, who were successfully screened in the preceding FY. Under no circumstances should a member serve an initial period in the IRR of more than 18 months without participating in a screening either during an annual muster or during a period of training. The Services are required to maintain the current status of each member's physical condition, dependency status, military qualification, civilian occupational skills, availability for service, to include current address, and other information, as prescribed.

    (2) IRR Members. Those members, including individuals enlisting directly into the IRR, may participate voluntarily in IDT for points only IAW the regulations of the Military Services.

    (c) Standby Reserve. The Standby Reserve consists of personnel who maintain their military affiliation without being in the Ready Reserve IAW 10 U.S.C. 267, 272, and 273 and DoD Directive 1235.9.5

    (1) Active Status Listing. The following members of the Standby Reserve are in an active status. By DoD policy, members of the Standby Reserve in an active status may participate voluntarily without pay in RC training for retirement points only. Those following members may receive promotion credit, be considered for promotion, and if selected, be promoted:

    (i) Personnel who have not fulfilled their statutory MSO.

    (ii) Personnel temporarily assigned for hardship, or other cogent reason, who intend returning to the Ready Reserve.

    (iii) Personnel retained in an active RC status under 10 U.S.C. 1006.

    (iv) Members transferred from the Ready Reserve to the Standby Reserve, after being designated as “key personnel” by their employers, may volunteer for assignment to the Standby Reserve Active Status List for the period they remain designated as key personnel. Individuals desiring to be transferred shall apply directly to the RC concerned.

    (2) Inactive Status List. The following members of the Standby Reserve are in an inactive status (they may not participate for points, pay, or promotion credit and may not be considered for promotion, or promoted):

    (i) Members transferred to the Inactive Status List instead of separating IAW 10 U.S.C. 1209.

    (ii) All other members transferred to the Inactive Status List IAW DoD Directive 1235.9. Personnel enrolled in a military school course, including correspondence courses, when transferred from the Ready Reserve to the Standby Reserve Inactive Status List may continue voluntarily participating in the course until completion. Those personnel shall not be entitled to pay and allowances, travel and transportation, or to earn promotion and retirement points for that training.

    (d) Retired Reserve. Consists of all personnel transferred to the Retired Reserve and subject to mobilization IAW DoD Directive 1352.1.6 Retired Reservists voluntarily may train (with or without pay) with a unit where they have premobilization orders. Suitable arrangements with the unit are required. The Retired Reserve consists of the following categories:

    (1) Reserve members in receipt of retired pay under 10 U.S.C. chapter 67.

    (2) Reserve members who have transferred to the Retired Reserve after completing 20 qualifying years creditable for retired pay under 10 U.S.C. chapter 67, but who are not yet 60 years of age, or are age 60 and have not applied for retired pay.

    (3) Reserve members retired for physical disability under 10 U.S.C. 1201, 1202, 1204, or 1205. Members have completed 20 years of Military Service creditable for retired pay, under 10 U.S.C. chapter 67 or are more than 30-percent disabled.

    (4) Reserve officers and enlisted members who have retired after completion of 20, or more, years of active Military Service. That does not include Regular enlisted members of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps, with 20 to 30 years of Military Service who are assigned to the Retired Reserve or transferred to the Fleet Reserve (Navy) or the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve.

    (5) Reserve personnel drawing retired pay based on retirement for reasons other than age, Service requirements, or physical disability. That category is restricted to those who are retired under special conditions, as authorized by the ASD(RA) under legislation.

    (e) Voluntary Training. Members of the RCs, not subject to mandatory training, shall be encouraged to participate in order to maintain their mobilization readiness. The opportunity to participate voluntarily without pay in training shall be limited by the manpower and resources authorized by the Secretary.

    (f) Funds. Funds for personnel in uniform Reserve, training and retirement categories shall be IAW DoD 7110.1-M.7 The Secretary concerned is authorized to include in the budget for the active component (AC) funds providing AD tours for Reserves on temporary duty (TDY) in support of AC and RC programs.

    Pt. 102, App. A