§ 105.15 - Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID).  

Latest version.
  • § 105.15 Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID).

    (a) Purpose.

    (1) In accordance with section 563 of Public Law 110-417, DSAID shall support Military Service SAPR program management and DoD SAPRO oversight activities. It shall serve as a centralized, case-level database for the collection and maintenance of information regarding sexual assaults involving persons covered by this part. DSAID will include information, if available, about the nature of the assault, the victim, the alleged offender, investigative information, case outcomes in connection with the allegation, and other information necessary to fulfill reporting requirements. DSAID will serve as the DoD's SAPR source for internal and external requests for statistical data on sexual assault in accordance with section 563 of Public Law 110-417. The DSAID has been assigned OMB Control Number 0704-0482. DSAID contains information provided by the Military Services, which are the original source of the information.

    (2) Disclosure of data stored in DSAID will only be granted when disclosure is authorized or required by law or regulation.

    (b) Procedures.

    (1) DSAID shall:

    (i) Contain information about sexual assaults reported to the DoD involving persons covered by this part, both via Unrestricted and Restricted Reporting options.

    (ii) Include adequate safeguards to shield PII from unauthorized disclosure. The system will not contain PII about victims who make a Restricted Report. Information about sexual assault victims and subjects will receive the maximum protection allowed under the law. DSAID is accessible only by authorized users and includes stringent user access controls.

    (iii) Assist with annual and quarterly reporting requirements, identifying and managing trends, analyzing risk factors or problematic circumstances, and taking action or making plans to eliminate or to mitigate risks. DSAID shall store case information. Sexual assault case information shall be available to DoD SAPRO for SAPR program oversight (data validation and quality control), study, research, and analysis purposes. DSAID will provide a set of core functions to satisfy the data collection and analysis requirements for the system in five basic areas: data warehousing, data query and reporting, SARC victim case management functions, subject investigative and legal case information, and SAPR program administration and management.

    (iv) Receive information from the MCIO case management systems or direct data entry by authorized Military Service personnel.

    (v) Contain information pertaining to all victims of sexual assault reported to the DoD through filing a DD Form 2910 or reporting to an MCIO. When a Service member is alleged to have sexually assaulted a civilian or foreign national, the SARC will request and the MCIO will provide the victim's name, supporting PII, and the MCIO case file number, to include the unique identifier for foreign nationals, for entry into DSAID.

    (vi) A SARC will open a case in DSAID as an “Open with Limited Information” case when there is no signed DD 2910 (e.g., an independent investigation or third-party report, or when a civilian victim alleged sexual assault with a Service member) to comply with Section 563(d) of Public Law 109-364 and to ensure system accountability.

    (2) The DD Form 2965 may be used as a tool for capturing information to be entered into DSAID when direct data entry is not possible, but the DD Form 2965 is not meant to be retained as a permanent form.

    (i) SARCs and SAPR VAs will be the primary users of the DD Form 2965, which may be completed in sections as appropriate. Applicable sections of the form may also be used by MCIO and designated legal officer, if applicable, to provide required investigative and disposition information to SARCs for input into DSAID. Victims will not complete the DD Form 2965.

    (ii) In accordance with General Records Schedule 20, Item 2(a)4, users will destroy the DD Form 2965 immediately after its information has been inputted into DSAID or utilized for the purpose of developing the 8-day incident report (Public Law 113-66). In all cases, the DD Form 2965 will not be retained for longer than 8 days and will not be mailed, faxed, stored, or uploaded to DSAID. In a Restricted Report case, a copy of the DD Form 2965 will not be provided to commanders.

    (c) Notification procedure and record access procedures.

    (1) Requests for information contained in DSAID are answered by the Services. All requests for information should be made to the DoD Component that generated the information in DSAID. Individuals seeking to determine whether information about themselves is contained in this system of records or seeking access to records about themselves should address written inquiries to the appropriate Service office (see Service list at www.sapr.mil).

    (2) Requests for information to the DoD Components must be responded to by the office(s) designated by the Component to respond to Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests. Requests shall not be informally handled by the SARCs.

    [78 FR 21718, Apr. 11, 2013, as amended at 81 FR 66459, Sept. 27, 2016]