§ 105.16 - Sexual assault annual and quarterly reporting requirements.  

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  • § 105.16 Sexual assault annual and quarterly reporting requirements.

    (a) Annual reporting for the military services. The USD(P&R) submits annual FY reports to Congress on the sexual assaults involving members of the Military Services. Each Secretary of the Military Departments must submit their Military Service report for the prior FY to the Secretary of Defense through the DoD SAPRO by March 1. The Secretary of the Navy must provide separate reports for the Navy and the Marine Corps. The annual report is accomplished in accordance with guidance from the USD(P&R) and section 1631(d) of Public Law 111-383, and includes:

    (1) The policies, procedures, and processes in place or implemented by the SAPR program during the report year in response to incidents of sexual assault.

    (2) An assessment of the implementation of the policies and procedures on the prevention, response, and oversight of sexual assaults in the military to determine the effectiveness of SAPR policies and programs, including an assessment of how Service efforts executed DoD SAPR priorities.

    (3) Any plans for the following year on the prevention of and response to sexual assault, specifically in the areas of advocacy, healthcare provider and medical response, mental health, counseling, investigative services, legal services, and chaplain response.

    (4) Matrices for Restricted and Unrestricted Reports of the number of sexual assaults involving Service members that include case synopses, and disciplinary actions taken in substantiated cases and relevant information. See § 105.17.

    (5) Analyses of the matrices of the number of sexual assaults involving Service members.

    (6) May include analyses of surveys administered to victims of sexual assault on their experiences with SAPR victim assistance and the military health and justice systems.

    (7) Analysis and assessment of the disposition of the most serious offenses identified in Unrestricted Reports in accordance with section 542 of Public Law 113-291.

    (b) Quarterly reports. The quarterly data reports from the Military Services are the basis for annual reports, including the data fields necessary for comprehensive reporting and metrics tracking. The information collected to prepare the quarterly reports has been assigned Reporting Control Symbol DD-P&R(A)2205. In quarterly reports, the policies and planned actions are not required to be reported. Each quarterly report and subsequent FY annual report shall update the status of those previously reported investigations that had been reported as opened but not yet completed or with action pending at the end of a prior reporting period. Once the final action taken is reported, that specific investigation no longer needs to be reported. This reporting system will enable the DoD to track sexual assault cases from date of initiation to completion of command action or disposition. Quarterly reports are due:

    (1) February 15 for investigations opened during the period of October 1-December 31.

    (2) May 15 for investigations opened during the period of January 1-March 31.

    (3) August 15 for investigations opened during the period of April 1-June 30.

    (4) The final quarterly report (July 1-September 30) shall be included as part of the FY annual report.

    (c) Annual reporting for the Military Service Academies (MSA). Pursuant to section 532 of Public Law 109-364, the USD(P&R) submits annual reports on sexual harassment and violence at MSAs to the House of Representatives and Senate Armed Services Committees each academic program year (APY). The MSA Sexual Assault Survey conducted by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) has been assigned Report Control Symbol DD-P&R(A)2198.

    (1) In odd-numbered APYs, superintendents will submit a report to their respective Military Department Secretaries assessing their respective MSA policies, training, and procedures on sexual harassment and violence involving cadets and midshipmen no later than October 15 of the following APY. DMDC will simultaneously conduct gender relations surveys of cadets and midshipmen to collect information relating to sexual assault and sexual harassment at the MSA to supplement these reports. DoD SAPRO will summarize and consolidate the results of each MSA's APY assessment, which will serve as the mandated DoD annual report to Congress.

    (2) In even-numbered APYs, DoD SAPRO and the DoD Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity (DMEO) Office conduct MSA site visits and a data call to assess each MSA's policies; training, and procedures regarding sexual harassment and violence involving cadets and midshipmen; perceptions of Academy personnel regarding program effectiveness; the number of reports and corresponding case dispositions; program accomplishments progress made; and challenges. Together with the DoD SAPRO and DMEO MSA visits, DMDC will conduct focus groups with cadets and midshipmen to collect information relating to sexual harassment and violence from the MSAs to supplement this assessment. DoD SAPRO consolidates the assessments and focus group results of each MSA into a report, which serves as the mandated DoD annual report to Congress that will be submitted in December of the following APY.

    (d) Annual reporting of installation data. Installation data is drawn from the annual reports of sexual assault listed in § 105.16(a). The Secretaries of each Military Department must submit their Military Service report of sexual assault for the prior FY organized by installation to the Secretary of Defense through the DoD SAPRO by April 30 of each year. The Secretary of the Navy must provide separate reports for the Navy and the Marine Corps. Reports will contain matrices for Restricted and Unrestricted Reports of the number of sexual assaults involving Service members organized by military installation, and matrices including the synopsis and disciplinary actions taken in substantiated cases.

    [78 FR 21718, Apr. 11, 2013, as amended at 81 FR 66459, Sept. 27, 2016]