§ 1288.6 - Forms and reports.  

Latest version.
  • § 1288.6 Forms and reports.

    (a) DLA form 1454 will be prepared at the time of initial registration of the vehicle and will remain valid for as long as the registrant retains ownership of the vehicle and complies with registration requirements. A Privacy Act statement for use in conjunction with DLA form 1454 will be made available to the individual supplying data on the form.

    (b) Data blocks 3, 4, and 14 on DLA form 1454 will be entered in ink; remaining entries will be in pencil.

    (c) One copy of DLA form 1454 will also serve as the driver record of the registrant.

    (d) Upon permanent change of station of the military service registrant, activity clearance procedures will provide for DLA form 1454 to be included in the registrant's military personnel folder for transmittal to the gaining activity. DLA forms 1454 for transferring civilian personnel will be forwarded to the security officer of the gaining activity.

    (e) The DLA form 1454 for military personnel being discharged or separated will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel office for inclusion in the records folder for subsequent retirement.