§ 1293.3 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General requirements. (1) Government employment is a public trust which requires that loyalty to country, ethical principles, and the law be placed above private gain and other interests. All DLA personnel must conduct themselves, both on and off the job, in such a manner as to avoid the existence or appearance of a conflict of interest between their official responsibilities and their personal affairs.

    (2) DLA personnel shall become familiar with the scope of, authority for, and limitations on the activities for which they are responsible. DLA personnel also shall acquire a general knowledge of the statutory standards of conduct prohibitions and restrictions. The most commonly encountered of these provisions are summarized in appendix A, and are laws dealing generally with conflicts of interest and postemployment activities.

    (3) If DLA personnel are unsure whether a proposed action or decision is proper because it may be contrary to law or regulation, they shall consult the Designated Agency Ethics Official, or Deputy Ethics Official, for guidance. The individuals are identified in § 1293.4.

    (4) DLA personnel shall not take or recommend any action or make or recommend any expenditure of funds known or believed to be in violation of Federal laws, Executive Orders, or applicable directives, instructions, or regulations.

    (5) Practices that may be accepted in the private business world may not be acceptable for DLA personnel. As public employees, all DLA personnel are accountable for the manner in which they perform their official responsibilities.

    (6) DLA personnel shall strictly adhere to the DLA program of equal opportunity regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or handicap.

    (7) DLA personnel shall avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by part 1293, which might result in or reasonably be expected to create the appearance of:

    (i) Using public office for private gain.

    (ii) Giving preferential treatment to any person or entity.

    (iii) Impeding Government efficiency or economy.

    (iv) Losing complete independence or impartiality.

    (v) Making a Government decision outside official channels.

    (vi) Affecting adversely the confidence of the public in the integrity of the Government.

    (b) Information to personnel. (1) All new civilian employees and military personnel newly assigned to DLA will be provided a copy of part 1293 upon their entrance to duty.

    (2) DLA personnel shall be reminded at least semiannually of their duty to comply with the required standards of conduct. Appropriate means of accomplishing these reminders include notices, circulation of part 1293 to employees, briefings, or any other means which serve to remind employees of their ethical responsibilities.

    (3) Copies of the Code of Ethics for Government Service (appendix B) shall be displayed in appropriate areas of DLA occupied buildings in which 20 or more persons are regularly employed. (Code of Ethics posters are self-service supply items and may be obtained under NSN 7690-01-099-8167.)

    (4) All DLA employees (military and civilian) who leave Federal service shall be informed of the restrictions on the postemployment activities of former Federal employees.

    (c) Conflicts of interest—(1) Affiliations and Outside Associations. (i) DLA personnel shall not engage in any personal, business, or professional activity which conflicts with the interests of the Government they serve through the duties and responsibilities of their DLA positions. This prohibition applies to all DLA employees, regardless of whether they are required to file a financial disclosure report. In the event a conflict, or potential conflict of interest arises, it shall be promptly reported and resolved in accordance with § 1293.7(b).

    (ii) Membership or activity of DLA personnel in non-Governmental associations or organizations must not be incompatible with their official Government positions (see DLAR 5500.4).1

    (iii) DLA personnel shall not knowingly deal, on behalf of the Government, with present or former Government personnel, military or civilian, whose participation in the transaction would be in violation of a statute, regulation, or policy set forth in part 1293.

    (2) Financial interests. DLA personnel shall not receive or retain any direct or indirect financial interest which conflicts with the interests of the Government they serve through the duties and responsibilities of their DLA positions. Matters concerning outside employment by DLA personnel are discussed in paragraph (i) of this section. For the purpose of this prohibition, the financial interests of a spouse, minor child, or any household member are treated as the financial interests of the DLA employee. Thus, not only stocks and other similar holdings, but also the wages, salaries, dividends, or any other income of a spouse, minor child, or household member are considered financial interests of the DLA employee. Particular care must be given in situations involving former DoD contractor employees as they may be entitled to benefits from their former employer (such as pensions, company discounts or concessions, etc.) which could create a criminal conflict of interest situation under 18 U.S.C. 208 if DLA assigns the employee duties and responsibilities involving the former employer. (For reporting requirements unique to former DoD contractor employees see § 1293.7(e). These prohibitions apply to all DLA employees, regardless of whether they are required to file a financial disclosure report. In the event a conflict or potential conflict of interest arises, it shall be promptly reported and resolved in accordance with § 1293.7(b).

    (3) Avoiding Actual or the Appearance of Conflicts of Interest. Direct or indirect financial interests in a defense related contractor, in any amount and in any form (stocks, bonds, options, employment of spouse, minor child, or any other household member) may be a prohibited conflict or appearance of a conflict of interest. Outside employment or other outside activity, with or without compensation, regarding possible future employment may also create a conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Discussions with a defense contractor regarding possible future employment may require reporting and disqualification under the procedures set forth in paragraph (k) of this section. In these situations, DLA personnel are encouraged to seek advice from the Designated Agency Ethics Official or Deputy Ethics Official to protect not only themselves, but also be avoid embarrassment to DLA.

    (4) Assignment of Reserves for training. DLA personnel who assign Reserves for training shall not assign them to duties in which they will obtain information that could be used by them or their private sector employers to gain unfair advantage over civilian competitors. Prior to entering active duty, reservists must disclose to superiors or assignment personnel, sufficient information to ensure that no conflict exists between their duty assignments and their private interests.

    (d) Use of DLA Position, Property, Resources, and Information—(1) Using DLA position. DLA personnel are prohibited from using their DLA position to induce, coerce, or in any manner influence any person to provide any benefit, financial or otherwise, to themselves or others.

    (2) Use of Civilian and Military Titles or Positions in Connection with Commercial Enterprises. (i) All DLA personnel are prohibited from using their official titles or positions in connection with the promotion of any commercial enterprise or endorsement of any commercial product. This does not preclude author identification for materials published in accordance with DLAR 5400.13.2

    (ii) Retired military personnel, and members of Reserve components not on active duty, may use their military titles in connection with commercial enterprises provided that they indicate their Retired or Reserve status. However, if the use of military titles in any way casts discredit on the Military Departments or DoD, or gives the appearance of sponsorship, sanction, endorsement, or approval by a Military Department or DoD, it is prohibited. In addition, a Military Department may further restrict the use of titles, including use by retired military personnel and members of reserve components not on active duty, in overseas areas.

    (3) Use of Government property and resources. (i) DLA personnel have a positive duty to protect and conserve Government property and resources and assure that they are used only for official Government business. DLA personnel shall not directly or indirectly use, take, dispose of, or allow the use, taking, or disposing of, Government property including property leased to the Government, for other than official purposes. Government facilities, property, and resources (such as telephones, stationery, stenographic and typing assistance, duplicating and computer equipment) shall be used only for official Government business.

    (ii) These provisions do not preclude the use of Government facilities for approved activities in furtherance of DLA community relations, provided they do not interfere with military missions or Government business. Government equipment and clerical support may be authorized for the preparation of papers to be presented to professional associations if appropriate to the mission of the office and approved, in advance, by the Head of the HQ PSE or PLFA.

    (iii) All DLA personnel are responsible for using office telecommunication services (telephone, message, data, video, facsimile services, etc.) for official use only. The term official use means service directly in support of Government business or as otherwise approved by the Head of the PSE or PLFA, or their designee, as being in the best interest of the Government.

    (A) DLA office telecommunications services are resources provided to conduct business directly in support of the Government.

    (B) DLA shall pay only for the official uses of DLA telecommunications services.

    (C) Where available and practicable, steps shall be taken to ensure user accountability (i.e., call verification, call restriction, other telecommunications service features).

    (D) Employees who make unofficial use of DLA office telecommunications services are subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

    (4) Using inside information. DLA personnel shall not directly or indirectly use information obtained as a result of their DLA position to further a private gain for themselves or others if that information is not generally available to the public. This prohibition continues even after a DLA employee leaves Federal service.

    (5) Release of acquisition information. All releases of acquisition information shall be in accordance with authorized procedures. DLA personnel are prohibited from making an unauthorized disclosure of any information concerning proposed acquisitions or purchases by DLA, or the identity of any contractor, unless the contractor's identity has been made public under established procedures.

    (6) Unauthorized statements or commitments with respect to award of contracts. Only contracting officers and their duly authorized representatives acting within their authority are authorized to commit the Government to the award of contracts. Unauthorized DLA personnel are prohibited from making any commitment or promise relating to the award of a contract or from making any representation that reasonably can be construed as such a commitment.

    (e) Commercial and charitable solicitations—(1) Commercial Soliciting by DLA Personnel. To eliminate the appearance of coercion, intimidation, or pressure from rank, grade, or position, full-time DLA personnel are prohibited from making personal commercial solicitations or sales to DLA personnel (including their family members) who are junior in rank or grade, or who are under any level of supervision by them, at any time, on or off duty.

    (i) This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the solicitation and sale of insurance, stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and any other commodities, goods, or services.

    (ii) This prohibition does not include the sale or lease by individuals of their own personal property or privately-owned residence or to the off-duty employment of DLA personnel as employees in retail stores or other situations not involving solicited sales.

    (2) Charitable solicitations by DLA personnel. The high visibility of DLA officials generates requests from charitable and nonprofit organizations to use an official's name and title in conjunction with fund-raising activities. The use of names and titles of DLA officials, even regarding fund-raising activities of charitable organizations, may give an improper impression that the Department of Defense or Defense Logistics Agency endorses the activities of a particular organization, thereby resulting in unauthorized assistance for the organization or sponsors of the activities. The presence of DLA officials may be sought, under the guise of bestowing awards upon the official, to promote attendance at programs. DLA officials shall not allow the use of their names or titles in connection with charitable or nonprofit organizations, subject to the following:

    (i) DLA personnel may assist only those charitable programs administered by the Office of Personnel Management under its delegation from the President and those other programs authorized by DLAR 5035.1.

    (ii) This prohibition does not preclude speeches before such organizations by DLA officials if the speech is designed to express an official position in a public forum.

    (iii) This prohibition does not preclude volunteer efforts on behalf of charitable or nonprofit organizations by individuals who do not use their official titles in relation to solicitations and who do not solicit from individuals or entities with whom they do business in their official capacity.

    (f) Other prohibitions—(1) Gambling, betting, and lotteries. While on Government-owned, leased, or controlled property, or otherwise while on duty for the Government, DLA personnel shall not participate in any gambling activity, including a lottery or pool, a game for money or property, and the sale or purchase of a number slip or ticket. The only exceptions are:

    (i) Where authorized by law, such as vending stands licensed in accordance with 20 U.S.C. 107a(a)(5) to sell chances for any lottery authorized by state law and conducted by an agency of a state.

    (ii) Activities which have been specifically approved by the Director, DLA.

    (2) Indebtedness. DLA personnel shall pay their just financial obligations in a timely manner, particularly those imposed by law, such as Federal, state, and local taxes. DLA activities are not required to determine the validity or amount of disputed debts.

    (g) Gratuities, reimbursements, and other benefits from outside sources—(1) Policy. No matter how innocently tendered and received, the acceptance of gratuities, reimbursements, or other benefits by DLA personnel (including their spouse, minor child, or any household member) from those who have or seek business with the Department of Defense or from those whose business interests are affected by Department of Defense functions, may be a source of embarrassment to the Department of Defense, may affect the objective judgment of the DLA personnel involved, and may impair public confidence in the integrity of the Government.

    (2) Bribery and graft. DLA personnel may be subject to criminal penalties if they solicit, accept, or agree to accept anything of value in return for performing or refraining from performing an official act.

    (3) General prohibition. Except in the limited circumstances set forth in appendix C, DLA personnel (including their spouse, minor child, or any household member) shall not solicit, accept, or agree to accept any gratuity, reimbursement, or other benefit for themselves, or others, either directly or indirectly from or on behalf of any source that:

    (i) Is engaged in or seeks business or financial relations of any sort with any DoD Component.

    (ii) Conducts operations or activities that are either regulated by a DoD Component or substantially affected by DoD decisions.

    (iii) Has interests that may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the official duties of DLA personnel.

    (iv) Is a foreign government or representative of a foreign government that is engaged in selling to the DoD, where the gratuity is tendered in the context of the foreign government's commercial activities. (See also paragraph (h)(1) of this section.)

    (4) Employees who receive gratuities which may not be accepted under the limited circumstances set forth in appendix C shall promptly report the matter to the Designated Agency Ethics Official or Deputy Ethics Official.

    (h) Gifts and donations. (1) Procedures with respect to gifts from foreign governments are set forth in DLAR 1005.1.3

    (2) Prohibition of Contributions or Presents to Superiors. DLA personnel shall not solicit a contribution from other DLA personnel for a gift to a superior, make a donation as a gift to a superior, give a gift to a superior, or accept a gift from other DLA personnel subordinate to themselves. This prohibition also applies to gifts, contributions, or donations to immediate family members of a superior. However, this paragraph does not prohibit voluntary gifts of reasonable value or contributions of nominal amounts (or the acceptance thereof) on special occasions such as marriage, illness, transfer, or retirement, provided that any gifts acquired with such contributions will be reasonable in value in view of the occasion.

    (i) Outside employment of DLA personnel. (1) DLA personnel shall not engage in outside employment or other outside activity, with or without compensation, that:

    (i) Interferes with, or is not compatible with, the performance of their Government duties.

    (ii) May reasonably be expected to bring discredit on the Government.

    (iii) Is otherwise inconsistent with the requirements of part 1293, including the requirements to avoid actions and situations which reasonably can be expected to create the appearance of conflicts of interests.

    (2) Enlisted military personnel on active duty may not be ordered or authorized to leave their post to engage in a civilian pursuit, business, or professional activity if it interferes with the customary or regular employment of local civilians in their art, trade, or profession.

    (3) Off-duty employment of military personnel by an entity involved in a strike is permissible if the person was on the payroll of the entity prior to the commencement of the strike, and if the employment is otherwise in conformance with the provisions of part 1293. After a strike begins and while it continues, no military personnel may accept employment by that involved entity at the strike location.

    (4) DLA personnel are encouraged to engage in teaching, lecturing, and writing. However:

    (i) DLA personnel shall not, either for or without compensation, engage in activities that are dependent on information obtained as a result of their Government employment, except when: The information has been published or is generally available to the public; or it will be made generally available to the public, and the Director, DLA gives written authorization for the use of nonpublic information on the basis that the use is in the public interest.

    (ii) Employment by a DoD contractor is prohibited unless the circumstances are presented to and approval is obtained from the Designated Agency Ethics Official or Deputy Ethics Official stating that such employment does not constitute either a conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest between the employee's duties and the outside employment.

    (j) Honoraria. DLA personnel may not accept honoraria for official activities, nor may they suggest charitable contributions in place of honoraria. Even when acting in a personal, rather than official, capacity:

    (1) DLA personnel are prohibited from accepting an honorarium of more than $2,000 (excluding travel and subsistence expenses, agent's fees or commissions) for any appearance, speech, or article;

    (2) The acceptance of honoraria from groups doing, or seeking to do business with DLA, presents the potential for a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict. Before accepting any honorarium, DLA personnel shall consult the Designated Agency Ethics Official, or Deputy Ethics Official.

    (k) Pursuit of outside employment. (1) When a military officer assigned to DLA or a civilian DLA employee leaves Federal service and begins working for a business with which the officer or employee conducted official business, or one which might have been affected by the officer or employee's performance of official duties, the public may perceive that the public's interest has been compromised. There is the concern that the former officer or employee may have been more interested in future employment than the diligent performance of official duties and protecting the Government's interests. Officers and employees must be sensitive to this public perception when considering future employment opportunities and avoid any action which would cause loss of public confidence in their performance of official duties.

    (2) DLA personnel shall not perform any official duties, or otherwise participate in any official matter dealing with any organization with which the DLA employee is pursuing employment, has any arrangement concerning future employment, or has a financial interest. Pursuing employment is not limited to firm offers of employment; it includes any action which could reasonably be construed as an indication of interest in future employment, including sending letters or resumes, telephone discussions, or the consideration of unsolicited proposals from a business entity regarding possible future employment.

    (3) All DLA personnel who have contact (regardless of who initiated the contact) regarding possible future employment, or have any arrangement concerning future employment with any organization that may be affected by the performance of their official duties shall immediately report the contact to the Designated Agency Ethics Official or Deputy Ethics Official. So long as the decision on future employment with the organization remains open, DLA personnel must disqualify themselves from participating in any manner in any official action involving that organization. Thus, if a DLA employee mails resumes to multiple organizations, that may be affected by the performance of official duties, the DLA employee must report the sending of resumes, disqualify himself/herself from participating in matters involving those organizations until either the organization or the employee specifically terminates the employment possibilities. Disqualification procedures are set forth in § 1293.7(c).

    (l) Restrictions on the activities of former officers and employees. Laws and regulations impose restrictions on the activities of individuals who have ceased Federal employment. Violation of some of the laws and regulations may result in criminal prosecution. It is the obligation of each military officer assigned to DLA and each civilian employee, upon ending Federal service, to review the post employment restrictions in making decisions regarding their post employment activities. Appendix A contains a summary of the laws and regulations which deal with the conduct of DLA officers and employees and the restrictions on the activities of former officers and employees.