§ 1293.7 - Procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Reporting suspected violations. DLA personnel who have information which causes them to believe that a violation of the policies, procedures, or standards set forth in part 1293 or of the statutes listed in appendix A is foreseeable or has occurred shall report the matter promptly to the General Counsel, DLA or PLFA Counsel who shall:

    (1) Evaluate the report and obtain such additional information as may be necessary.

    (2) Refer the matter for investigation or other action as appropriate, or advise the reporter that no further action will be taken.

    (3) Forward a report of the matter and any action taken to the General Counsel, DLA within 30 days.

    (b) Resolving violations. The resolution of real, apparent, or potential standards of conduct violations shall be accomplished promptly by one or more measures, such as divestiture of conflicting interests, disqualification for particular assignments, changes in assigned duties, transfer, reassignment, suspension, termination, or other appropriate action, as provided by statute or administrative procedures (see appendix G).

    (c) Disqualification or Divestiture Procedures—(1) Affiliations and Financial Interests. (i) Any DLA employee who has affiliations or financial interests (which includes those of their spouse, minor children, or members of their households) which create conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflict of interest with their official duties, must immediately disqualify themselves from any official activities that are related to those affiliations or interests of the entities involved. If the individual cannot adequately perform assigned official duties after such disqualification, divestiture will be required or the individual must be moved from that position. The requirement to remedy the conflict or the appearance of a conflict exists independently of the requirement to file a financial disclosure report.

    (ii) Exceptions. (A) DLA personnel need not disqualify themselves for holding shares of a widely-held, diversified mutual fund or regulated investment company. Such holdings are exempt as being too remote or inconsequential to affect the integrity of the services of DLA personnel.

    (B) In limited circumstances, the General Counsel, DLA may exempt, under 18 U.S.C. 208(b), certain affiliations and financial interests if they are deemed not substantial enough to affect the integrity of Government services. Written requests for such exemptions will be processed through the appropriate Deputy Ethics Official.

    (2) Written notice of disqualification must be promptly delivered to the employee's immediate supervisor, immediate subordinates, and to the Designated Agency Ethics Official or Deputy Agency Ethics Official.

    (3) Supervisors shall periodically review disqualification notices to ensure their effectiveness.

    (d) Financial disclosure procedures. Many military officers and civilian employees of DLA are subject to one of the financial disclosure reporting systems described below. Persons subject to each are identified below. Detailed instructions on the information to be furnished and the procedures for processing the forms are set out in appendices to this part 1293 and in referenced regulations.

    (1) Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278). (i) The following military officers and civilian employees are required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to file a Standard Form 278 if they have served in an identified position for 61 days or more during the preceding calendar year. These individuals need not file a DD Form 1555.

    (A) Civilian employees, including special Government employees, whose positions are classified at GS-16 or above of the General Schedule, or whose basic rate of pay under other pay schedules is equal to or greater than the minimum rate of basic pay fixed for- GS-16 (except for GS/GM-15s).

    (B) Members of the uniformed services whose pay grade is O-7 or above.

    (C) Civilian employees in SES or in any other position determined by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics to be of equal classification to GS-16.

    (D) The Designated Agency Ethics Official and Alternate Agency Ethics Official.

    (ii) Detailed instructions on the information to be furnished and the procedures for processing the forms are set forth in appendix D.

    (2) Statements of Affiliations and Financial Interests (DD Form 1555). (i) The following DLA personnel are required to submit initial and annual Statements of Affiliations and Financial Interests (DD Form 1555), unless they are subject to the Executive Personnel Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278).

    (A) PLFA Commanders, Deputy Commanders and Counsel, and PSE Heads and Deputies.

    (B) DLA personnel classified at GS/GM-15 or below, or at a comparable pay level under other authority, and members of the military whose pay grade is below O-7 not otherwise required to file under paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section, whose official duties require the exercise of judgment in making a Government decision or in taking Government action for contracting or procurement, regulating or auditing private or other non-Federal enterprise, or other activities in which the final decision or action may have an economic impact on any non-Federal entity.

    (C) DLA personnel, regardless of grade, in the following positions:

    (1) Attorneys.

    (2) Contracting Officers.

    (3) Supervisory Quality Assurance Representatives and Supervisory Quality Assurance Specialists.

    (4) Quality Assurance Representative-in-Charge.

    (5) Supervisory Procurement Agents and Analysts.

    (6) Supervisory Industrial Property Administrators.

    (7) Supervisory Industrial Specialists.

    (8) Supervisory Industrial Engineers.

    (9) Supervisory Property Disposal Specialists and Property Disposal Officers.

    (10) Value Engineers and Analysts.

    (D) Reserve officers assigned to positions meeting the criteria in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) (B) and (C) of this section.

    (E) Other special Government employees as set forth in appendix E.

    (ii) Detailed instructions on the information to be furnished and the procedures for processing the forms are set forth in appendix E.

    (e) Reporting procedures applicable to former military officers and civilians employees, and to former employees of defense contractors now employed by DLA.

    (1) Defense Related Employment (DD Form 1787)—(i) Personnel required to file.The following individuals are required to file a Report of DoD and Defense Related Employment (DD Form 1787):

    (A) A retired former military officer who served on active duty at least 10 years and who held, for any period during that service, the pay grade of O-4 or above, or a former civilian employee whose pay rate at any time during the 3-year period prior to the end of DoD employment was equal to or greater than a the minimum rate for a GS-13 (GS-12, step 7) and:

    (1) Within the 2-year period immediately following the termination of service or employment with a DoD Component, is employed by a defense contractor who, during the year before the former officer or employee began employment, was awarded $10,000,000 or more in defense contracts; and

    (2) Is employed by or performs service for the defense contractor and at any time during a year directly receives compensation of or is salaried at a rate of $25,000 per year or more from the defense contractor (“compensation” is received by a person if it is paid to a business entity with which the person is affiliated in exchange for services rendered by that person).

    (B) Each civilian officer and employee of a DoD Component who:

    (1) Is employed at a pay rate equal to or greater than the minimum rate for GS-13 (GS-12, step 7), and

    (2) Within the 2-year period prior to the effective date of service or employment with the DoD Component, was employed by a defense contractor who, during a year, was awarded $10,000,000 or more in defense contracts, and

    (3) Was employed by or performed services for the defense contractor and at any time during that year received compensation of or was salaried at a rate of $25,000 per year or more at any time during employment (“compensation” is received by a person if it is paid to a business entity with which the person is affiliated in exchange for services rendered by the person).

    (ii) Detailed instructions concerning this reporting requirement are contained in appendix F.

    (2) Statement of Employment (DD Form 1357). (i) Each retired Regular officer of the Armed Forces shall file with the Military Department in which he or she holds retired status a DD Form 1357, Statement of Employment-Regular Retired Officers (appendix H). The DD Form 1357 should not be filed with DLA. Filing shall be within 60 days after retirement and thereafter within 30 days of changing employer or taking on new duties. The filing requirement continues for 3 years after retirement.

    (ii) Additional details concerning this reporting requirement are contained in:

    (A) AR 600-50.

    (B) SECNAVINST 5370.2.

    (C) AFR 30-30.

    (D) MCO 5330.3C.