Part 174 - Revitalizing Base Closure Communities and Addressing Impacts of Realignment  

Subpart A - General
§ 174.1 - Purpose.
§ 174.2 - Applicability.
§ 174.3 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Policy
§ 174.4 - Policy.
§ 174.5 - Responsibilities.
Subpart C - Working with Communities and States
§ 174.6 - LRA and the redevelopment plan.
Subpart D - Real Property
§ 174.7 - Retention for DoD Component use and transfer to other Federal agencies.
§ 174.8 - Screening for properties covered by the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, cross-reference.
§ 174.9 - Economic development conveyances.
§ 174.10 - [Reserved]
§ 174.11 - Leasing of real property to non-Federal entities.
§ 174.12 - Leasing of transferred real property by Federal agencies.
Subpart E - Personal Property
§ 174.13 - Personal property.
Subpart F - Maintenance and Repair
§ 174.14 - Maintenance and repair.
Subpart G - Environmental Matters
§ 174.15 - Indemnification under Section 330 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993.
§ 174.16 - Real property containing explosive or chemical agent hazards.
§ 174.17 - NEPA.
§ 174.18 - Historic preservation.